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I see England, I see France

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DaSwede | 19:05 Thu 23rd Mar 2006 | Arts & Literature
517 Answers

Last week I saw an old episode of Moonlighting. the name of the episode was I see England, I see France, I see Maddie's netherworld. It immediately struck me as probably being a paraphrase, so I searched for that phrase barring the netherworld-part, and got tons of hits. I gather it's a 'teasing rhyme' (if that be the term) and that the last part of it would normally be I see (name)'s underpants. But even that sounds like a paraphrase to me, as if the origin was oh I don't know - a Churchill speech or something... "I see England, I see France, united in ..." etcetera. (Just fantasizing.)

Does anyone know anything about the origin - or if the rhyme is the origin.

Thanks in advance and for now, more personal thanks sometime next week.



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knackeredneti staggers in - I have had enough fiesta -ing, will give it up for lent! It got so cold that we decided to come home instead of eating the free food and drink on offer. Oh I do love home!
.(((*_*))) ...has a quick look through door...erm..not many in tonight
I bin celabrating cettis birthday......hic..! youtube has coc****d up..this aint Pink Floyd medears..tis Frigid Pink...i saw um...and besides that...Pink Floyd never done House of the rising sun....
ere tis..yo...good init..
a teddy named you give him some stick....hehe..! (:O)

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Yup, that's going straight to my desktop as a shortcut. I put Echoes there as well; I'm indebted to you Vinny: Some of the music you post I never listened to when I was young - Pink Floyd and Frijid Pink for instance - but I like them a lot now you're shoving'em down our throats every time it's "somebody's birthday", ha ha.

somebody's birthday Is that Campari on the table? 'Cos if it is I'm on my way. And is that biddy knickers being thrown at the end of the song, ha ha ha ha ha!
I treat teddy Vincent far better than I do men...he's only missing one ear.....

be afraid.....
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Robinia have you heard that Vinny's going on the wagon

...or something.
Wakey Wakey....
Wat time do you call this then..!
bloomin teetotallers..cant take the pace..(:O)
ive enjoyed your music to Kip..keep them your teddy paints to robinia...hehe..!
just like spring today,all me daffs our out......mind you they should be,I bought them in sainsburys over a week ago...(:O)
I saw a huge bee in me garden yesterday...bit early init ?
better get some breakys and get on with building me wall.Im turning me garden into a spanish style courtyard olay..!>>>>>>>>its sunny again yippee.
(((Bang Bang.)))..ooops sorry its that bloomin door again.
erm and where's me coffee eh..! tut
smile yo its yo out there. Okay biddys...outta bed in ten or else..!!
yo hehe..!(:O)
oh no... heartbreak... Vanity Fair has cancelled its famous Oscars party... s/oscars/2008-02-05-vanity-fair_N.htm

well, not for me, my invitation must have been lost in the post, but a friend of mine was going, she'd bought a nice little dress and everything. A human tragedy.
I know how she feels jno,they cancelled the skittles dinner last year..!
erm...them lot not up yet...! sorry but yous were's warned...hides behind putta
yo (:O)
Question Author
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't there an exceeding amount of noise coming from Devon very early in the morning...? i'm try'na sleep over here you know. "Spanish courtyard" indeed - next he'll be playing castanets and doing the flamenco at 5.30 am... / (Love your new animations!)

On the other hand, jno, bet you were at Truman Capote's Black-and-White Ball or know somebody who was? Tell!

Better get going, I need some new knives now I've got a new cutting board!
ere...Ill have you know we in the West country is well chilled out...not like them there noisy northerners...(:O)
yo (:O)
Got 2 out of 10 for that ikea quiz, you see, that trip to Stockholm wasn't completely wasted!! << smirks and goes off looking for ABBA! >>
good morning/a'noon/evening/gracious....

ha! missed me Vincent...I'm bombproof...
<always assumes we're in bed, tut>.
well my head may have been but my body was out amongst the unwashed buying exciting items like rubber gloves & ya heart out KITchenKween.
I've been looking into greenhouses too...or is it out of? Seems the cheaper polycarbonate ones (better than glass for a clumsy ole booger I thought) aren't much good, you need to buy a good quality one. Oh well, back to a pvc tent again....actually, has anyone seen my old one?

<hurls a KARDEMUMMA at neti> > > > > >

ha! so what's that then smartyleggings?
Hurls a vansbro back at Robi
Question Author
Queen of the Kitchen? Me? Queen of ready-mades-from-the-deli-down-the-street, if anything. I wish I were as good in the kitchen as you are in the garden, Robinia - what's your secret?

I did show you the building that will house the future ABBA museum, didn't I, Neti? I hope I did, as it's very close to where we met. Speaking of funny names, before we got used to it, most Swedes thought it was hilarious for a band to call themselves ABBA, as that has 'always' been a renowned seafood brand... Were they trying to be funny - I don't know. Sure it was the initials of the band members - but still...!

Speaking of nothing, here's a fun site
sigh... more inconclusive medical investigation... Mr Gum the dentist says he can't replace my filling till I've got rid of some infection so I'm on the antibiotics and off the Baileys until next week. Mr Foot the orthopaedic surgeon sent me for a scan to find out what's burgering up my right heel... an MFI scan, I think it was, must have been looking for outgrowths of melamine... I'll demand the full Ikea job next time.

Loved the website, Kit, and was about to order a collapsing teaspoon until I saw it cost $50! For that kind of money I'd want the whole cup of coffee to dissolve.
Oh jno did you have to go into one of those bodyscanner machines? I can't get in one, it's so claustrophobic, they tried last year several times and I panicked and kept leaping (well falling) off. Absolute nightmare!!
Pac choi me ole chinas...good health, happiness & prosperity.
Surely one of us is Chinese - we seem to have every other nationality in here? Anyone a rat? it's your year

So what are the buzz words that get you sent off for a scan then? No one's ever suggested it to me & I'm sure I need looking into...mind you I can stand in front of a fridge with the door open & it's pretty much the same effect I suppose. In all seriousness I think I need my head looking at...I was knocked out again last night by the pain...

Love the website too Kit & I've ordered a pair of Oids for all of biddy should be without 'em. And I rather like the puzzle that you blow on & the thingy pops out...

I'll give that sproutman 'noisy northerners'....
we know good music.... when we hear it

Chow mein for now....
just my foot, neti, so didn't have to go for the total body insertion. He gave me headphones playing classical music, so I had my eyes shut most of the time anyway. Robinia, I think the magic words are 'I'm going private'. My employer offers free insurance... as I hope to disemploy myself sometime soon, I thought I'd better use this facility pronto.
PS Mr Foot thinks I have plantar fascitis, which I assume is something that comes from wearing jackboots...

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I see England, I see France

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