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I see England, I see France

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DaSwede | 19:05 Thu 23rd Mar 2006 | Arts & Literature
517 Answers

Last week I saw an old episode of Moonlighting. the name of the episode was I see England, I see France, I see Maddie's netherworld. It immediately struck me as probably being a paraphrase, so I searched for that phrase barring the netherworld-part, and got tons of hits. I gather it's a 'teasing rhyme' (if that be the term) and that the last part of it would normally be I see (name)'s underpants. But even that sounds like a paraphrase to me, as if the origin was oh I don't know - a Churchill speech or something... "I see England, I see France, united in ..." etcetera. (Just fantasizing.)

Does anyone know anything about the origin - or if the rhyme is the origin.

Thanks in advance and for now, more personal thanks sometime next week.



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You can all come round here and we can play snowballs !
It's snowing it down .Makes a change from piddling down I suppose .

goodness, is it really, shaney? Been sunny all day here (of course I'm in downtown Delhi) though chilly, and a friend from down Sussex way's just emailed to say she's been out in a light cotton top basking. But perhaps the promised weather will arrive
It's pretty wild out there at the moment ..I fear for my wheelies .
It was bright and sunny here all day too but very very cold and all of a sudden about an hour ago huge white flakes came fluttering down and there is a good covering it .
I would advise your friend to put a woolly on toot sweet.
well, here's a funny thing, Kit... seems jno jnr has just brought home a flatpack black chandelier - unclear if it came from Stockholm, Ikea or what - and is assembling it to hang in ... the loo. I think I am going to go home tonight to some ironic postmodern design joke.
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Oh! I think I may know which one that is, jno, but I can't find it (as I don't recall what it's called). ghost is fun but I don't think it comes in black - and you probably mean a suspended one?

He has been to DesignTorget hasn't he. (English button bottom left.)

Shaney it's almost like spring here (only windy.)

ghost too
Question Author
...well yes you just said "to hang"...
yes, definitely going to hang, Kit, and if it has open candles I am going to suggest he take it back to wherever. Fortunately the room has a high ceiling.
and here it is... beee36c5.jpg

I'm unclear whether it's supposed to emit light or if it's just a fashion statement. I shall know once it's wired up.
oh, naturally I have a chandelier in all of my lavs...

so how much did you get last night?...
just a light dusting here which is still lying around but head spinningly cold....better go & see if anyone's coming out to play in it....
hahaha...wish I'd read your Ikea thread before I put me mascara on Kit...brilliant....

now where can I get me a team of huskies?

oh lord, no

...I'll swing for that's alright for him in his cosy camper van...who's gonna look after me when I've gone all me length...mutter....

depending when i finish this thingy....erm..
no blooming snow ere and no ikea. its SUNNY....!(:O)
thanks robinia..yo knit me a willy warmer quick..!
seen that chandalier some where before..? yo2
Of course my chandeliers have to match my tiaras.....which in turn have to match my thermal vest . And the vest has to blend in with the curtains .Oooh we're all colour co-ordinated here in Norfolk yer know .
I even have a colour co-ordinated garden's the very latest thing with patches of white and sludgey bits . And the drip drip drip from the melting snow makes up for the lack of wind chimes .
Afternoon biddies - sunny but chilly here now. How arte you all today?

My daughter had to get the 7am train from Barcelona to Alicante (5 hrs) to collect a car and to drive it back which would be her first time on a motorway - but guess what - when she got to Alicante they couldn't find the car - can you believe it, so she is now back on the train (a horrible little train apparently) what a waste of a day!! I was actually dreading her driving on the motorway so it's a huge relief to me.
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Possums you're killing me with me all your chandeliers, we should definitely start selling them at IKEA if that's not where they come from already. That wasn't the one I though it would be, jno, mine's more gothic - Morticia Addams of the Addams Family would love it.

When I posted my IKEA question I was thinking it might one day provide a biddy home - silly romantic dreams, I know! - but as it turned out it may be a bit crowded... (But I did intend it as a genuine question too.)

Time to turn the tables on the dentists we all (or at least five of us) fear and loathe so much! Strap him or her to the chair and

give it to them hard

(Not for the faint of heart, be warned.)
(((*_*))) Evenin......
tiz init ?
I was just thinking to meself.....
yers ago i went to madam tussards...and i remember looking at the king of England....think it was george the tird.....or forth...and blimey..he was about 4 ft it got me thunking...wat did all these peeps from all over the globe think,when all these small people jumped of the boats and said...we got you surrounded...and took there country over....hehe.! i gotta stop drinking that becks...pirate smile (:O)
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He he... yes you really do, Vinny. (Have to stop.) Funny you never tried to incorporate us into your empire, we could have been the ice cube of the crown. When I was in London in 1989 the Salvation Army had huuuuuge ads on the buses saying "London we have you surrounded" - there was some kind of international congress - but the Sally Ann soldiers weren't particularly... short... I think I've lost my own trail of thought here...

how he dared i'll never know
'walk small... but carry a big gun'
Well..I am off to snuffle off to my bed ('s not an Ikea one Kit ..don't get excited ).
No one seems to be asking anything of interest on Q&P and the rest seem to be absorbed in a bun fight .

I have had a steam bath over a bowl with Olbas ..which seems to have done my nasal passages much more good than all the squirty stuff the doctor gave me.
So Goodnight all....
Up early in the morning Vinny ..... Robinia wants you to find her wheelie bin and mush the huskies before you put the eggs on . Kissy kissy .

Question Author
Oh good night Shaney! I want a new bed but not an IKEA one. This is what my old one feels like.

Hi jno - at work as usual?

Motorways are... special, Neti, yeah. Many years ago there were four of us in a car driving to a uni reunion. I was in the back seat looking out. Suddenly I see a tire rolling past us, speeding away down the road all by its lonesome! Next thing I know, my uni friend stops the car, which of course you're not allowed to do. But she had to - it was our back tire! She is such a great driver we never knew what happened until she had already stopped, so that part wasn't scary for us passengers. But the tricky bit was getting the tire back - we felt we had to, as it was lying plumb in the middle of the road and might cause an accident.

Me and this other friend volunteered as we felt our driver had done enough, but that was scary, the cars whooshing by incessantly not even slowing down. Later it turned out our driver's boyfriend had changed the tires but neglected to tighten the bolts again after a couple of weeks, which you're apparently supposed to do. So tell your daughter to check the bolts if she's going again!
Good advice Kip...
me dad once said to me, once upon along ago.always carry a knife...if yer hang yer self and change yer can cut yerself down..he waz wise he waz..hahahahaha
hiya shaney....xxxxx .the eggs are in the wheelie bin but its being pulled be huskies....and the blighters dont stop at red lights.....bu66er this ,pops in the tavern...(:O)
yo (:O)

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I see England, I see France

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