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Hi has anybody any good sites that i could buy cheap blades for a wilkinson sword extreme 3 razor. Thankyou
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x sparkle x
by the way i have posted this in jobs but i've had no response as of yet!! i have an interview today for a learning support job, does anyone have any advice or know of any questions i may be asked??...
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mistaken's post got me curious. Girls - wot is your cycle pattern like. I have a rele heavy first day with mild cramps then slightly lighter for 2 days then hardly anything for 3. xxx
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I saw a programme at the weekend where a group of people were on a detox and they had a coffee enema. Has this got a real benefit or just another fad? TIA
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Ok well I am a bit more sorted in my head with some things, so i want to get on with some things now. But I am worried. I am trying to do some job applications and worry that there is no point in me...
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where is everyone? and when do I stop being green?
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I have been working out for the last year now and come on in leaps and bounds regarding weight and muscle gain. I am presently using a supplement called Maximuscle Cyclone which i take twice a day....
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how do u know if u have had a multiple - is it just the wave of pleasure that keeps going??
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do any of you lot have any tattoos if yes where are they and what are they of?? i have a tribal sign with roses around it on my lower back!! and how old were u when u had it i was 16 :)
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I saw on GMTV this morning about a diet that Beyonce has just done where you drink a solution made from Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup mixed with a few other things and you should lose at least a stone...
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Is it true that one of the first signs of going bald is a tingly feeling on your scalp, which is the feeling of the follicles dying?
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So i wont be on here again! Just wanted to say i've had fun these past few months! thanks everyone who answered my questions especially my serious ones!!! ;o) I'm training my replacement so wont be...
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I have an employee who has the nouse to do the job she is employed to do. However, she has no social skills whatsoever; Small talk such as "how was your weekend" or any kind of enthusiasm or banter in...
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Hello has anyone heard that by eating raspberries it makes your boobs grow? And chickpeas too. A girl i work with claims its true but i dont believe it! x
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Has anyone tried Nair Peel Off Wax? I normally use the ready to use cold strips from Immac (I make too much mess with hot wax) and just wanted to know if it's easy to use, more/less painful than...
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My dad who is 67 has been taken off of Atenolol which controls high blood pressure (due to recent bad press). It has been substituted with another drug (not sure which) but has been experiencing...
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how old do u have to be to get a tattoo in england, is it 18 or can u get it when u r younger if u have a parent with you ???????
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Has anyone heard of the diet pills Zabtrex 3? if so are they dangerous? I would especially like to hear from anybody that has tried them....
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I posted a question on here Sat night about my non stop crying when my boyfriend came over to say goodbye before he left to work and live away. (I stopped crying on Sunday!) Pathetic!!! Anyway on his...
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How many body parts contain only 3 letters

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