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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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Rain, rain rain here and nicely chilly, Mr N and I hae jsut been out for lunch )seafood soup and pork in peppersauce and gildhead bream for Mr N) very acceptable. Have had a hot bath and am all nice and cosy in my bedroom watching tv on hija's computer!
Its duvet day weather here too Lottie, We slobbed around all morning then i pulled myself together and showered and got ready for Sis' visit. I have made leek and potato soup (in slow cooker), king prawns baked with lemon and italian seasoning which are now chilling in the fridge, baked chicken breast with tomato and basil dressing (cooling in oven), and american style chocolate chip cookies. Tomorrow i am going to roast a joint of pork and let that cool. When she is here we live on ready meals, sandwiches and things with a jacket potato so having loads of stuff ready cooked and in the fridge means more room for fun.
I've been Miss Crapton a few times.

It's been a dismal cold day here, a few people I've spoken to are feeling under the weather. I cooked myself a proper Sunday dinner, which was lovely, but looking at the trail of destruction awaiting me in't scullery I think there's a lot to be said for << ping >> dinners.
I am sending Mr LL out for a Chinese, I might was well complete my doing nothing day in style.

Pee Bo belly bum and all that stuff. Just had a long hot bath, probably the second this year. It was longer than my usual 10 minutes because it took me an age to get in the damn thing and once in I had to devise a cunning plan to haul myself out. Good job there are no cameras about - have you ever seen a beached whale floundering!!!! I have to let all the water out before I turn over onto knees and hands. If I left it in I would flood the bathroom with the resulting waves!!!

I feel old, old, horrible, fed up, discontented ---------------- it will pass!!!
I might AS well. I can't even type properly!!
You will feel better after chinese and Downton, Lottie. I never bath when i am alone in the house because I have to do the hands and knees and heave thing because of my dodgy knee and I am worried about getting stuck and having the ambulance men see me in all my glory.
He, he. Mr LL was in the garden shredding!! I don't think he was near enough to hear me if I got stuck. I hate baths - I just thought it might ease the aches and pains. It will be another six months before I attempt it again!!
surprising how much warmer it is outside than in.

Let me rephraise that... surprising how much warmer it is when you've spent the afternoon surreptitiously hacking back all the branches from next door's pyracantha that are overhanging us, while he's out, than it is sitting at a computer wittering.
evening friends. I had a great weekend and saw a good premiership footie match.
Even hapy when I found out when I got home that The Ras had won against Forest. Excuse me Robi.
Lottie you are not alone in struggling to get out of the bath. I've been struggling since July 12th. I have to let the water out. Then get onto my knees. Then lever myself up with my right elbow so that i'm standing then it's a leg over job!! holding on very tight while I do it..and I'm so slow I'm scared of falling.
I don't know what the weather's been like here but it's lovely where I've been - no rain at all and not too cold but now I have my heating on because Ive been cold since I got home bout 3.30.
Anyway I'll see yer all tomorrow I expect. Oight Oight everyone.
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Evening all ...
Dull as ditchwater all day here but not cold .We had a winter warmer dinner today , beef casserole with dumplings courtesy of ye olde slow cooker .
It's amazing what you find out with these family trees Jno .
We found out that my aunt had been married to a bigamist and my Mum and Dad had to get married
Oh dear Lofty ..I have a hot bath every day otherwise I can't get going .
Mind you I do a bit of a contortionist act getting out but I have it down to a fine art now .
As for getting going .Last night I had a terrible pain in my groin from my hip and had to hobble up the stairs with a stick .It's gone off now though .
I'm full of small complaints people rarely die from !
Mr S has a rotten cold,he keep that to himself ,otherwise nothing doing here .
Downton tonight ..I wonder if Lady Edith gets jilted at the altar.

I'm just wondering what I can do with lots of cut off bits of pillowcases :)
I love baths in the winter and I leap in and out like a veritible sprite, well not exactly but at the moment I can get in and out with no probs. There are bars at the window so I can grab them if necessary.

Waiting for Downton, oh exciting, and am chomping my way through a bag of mini Dime (Daim here) bars! Got socks on my feet but still just wearing a tee shirt nightie.
veritable ***
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I can't get up onto my knees in the bath .My knees don't bend too well these days .
We've got a roll top bath which is in the middle of the room so I have to let the water out, wring my flannel out and put it on the side ,lean one elbow on that ,grip the other side firmly and then back pedal and stand up .I also have a rubber mat so I don't slip .
bl**dy 'ell, no wonder most of you don't bathe, sounds positively dangerous getting out of these baths.
How are your legs these days shaney, still in pain?
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Well the old knees throb a lot but otherwise I still keep putting one foot in front of the other Neti :) I've still got a tad of trouble from the cellulitis ( vascular exzema) but I'm sure it'll clear up eventually .
more rain tomorrow....oight oight all
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The rat ....he ditched Lady Edith at the altar .
Oight Oight .
Oh no.......
I video'd tonight's because I was watching a weird but compelling American series called "lie to me"
Good morning. I wonder why Sir Anthony ditched her, he was very sweet about it. The computer tv prog went off for maintenance and the damned tv was pixellating so will have to download Downton so can watch it properly. I sometimes watch Lie to me, but it's an English quiz show one so not sure if it is the same one.

Still in bed, must get up, nothing from hija since sat night, she has work at 1pm.

Catch you all later.

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