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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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edit: missed the top floor some point in doggies adult life, he will need carrying up and or down those stairs......GSD's weigh in at about 35 kg and may not want to be carried once adult !!
I have made these points to the parties concerned. (It's possible they won't be on the top floor forever, but for a few years to come, I should think.)
give him a 35 kg bag of sand and have him carry it up and downstairs every 40 minutes from midnight to 6 am. Every time he carries it downstairs he has to hygienically clean up liquid bodily effluent and dispose of it before carrying the bag of sand back up the stairs.
That'll make him think ha ha.
I'm with woofy re the dog, especially the sand bag, lol...looking after a big dog on the ground floor with instant access to the outdoors can be difficult...but upstairs flat? I wouldn't. [From the ones I've known] GSDs can be temperamental, sometimes they like one partner and not the other, and don't always take to being left alone (if it has to be left). If they're not experienced dog people it isn't a breed I'd choose, even with a house/garden.
to add to the debate, darling Shughy has just stolen a mouthful of food while I was refilling the food bin from the sack, ran off and regurgitated it on the living room carpet....bless.......
lol...the joys...oh and don't forget about having to hoover up enough hair to stuff a mattress every day.
Have we done enough to put jnr off yet jno? And will you have to dog sit?
Hello all have been so busy today and the main desktop computer has packed up (I think its the monitor) and mine is so slow, so have had to wait for hija to be taken to work by me (only 7 days more) so I could get on here.

Lots cooler here but still too warm for my liking, chilly early ams. Off to finish the curry dinner!
I finished the big sort and dispose today. I went through the tool shed and threw away anything that was rusty, dried up, broken, more than 20 years old and so on. The floor is now swept and everything is on shelves. Next thing is to phone my nice disposal man. Once the garage is empty I can tidy in there and call the job done.
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Hello all
I love the little dog .Bless .I could have done with one of those for Shaney .He could keep you throwing a ball for him for ages .
Oooh don't encourage the junior, Jno .....not in a flat .Shaney was a 30 odd kilo weight .I couldn't even lift him onto the table at the vet let alone up a flight of stairs .He was a cross GSd but he was very much a one woman dog .
He stuck me like sh.. to a blanket !
Not a bad day here weatherwise and I hope you are all well.

And ..I've managed to sew something . After practicing the stitches on an old teatowel and managing to thread the damn thing .I think I got the bobbin in more by luck than judgement .....Wahaaaay !
I had these big square pillows ,German stylee ,but since I bought the V pillow for my back it was a bit like sleeping on a mountain so I ditched them and bought ordinary flatter oblong pillows .So had to go and buy all new pillowcases and am left with all the big square ones ..

Aha ..I thought I measured them up against the oblong ones ( which are same width but different length )and ironed along a place to cut and machine ,turned them inside out and hey presto .I only did one pair but they turned out Ok,so will plough through the others later .
Mustn't get too over excited .
They now fit the normal pillows .I also hemmed up a droopy hem on a nightshirt with the interlocker stitch .....put your orders in for ballgowns ,as long as they are straight up and down it shouldn't be a problem :)
Oight Oight .
Well done shaney, that's the way to do it
Morning all and a big up for Shaney mastering the sewing machine beast. Normal sleep, normal walk here (3 degrees in the forest, first cold night of the autumn) I feel like baking today....when I wake up again.
Good morning. Mr N took me out for dinner on the beach last night, it was nice, had a couple of mojitos and I wouldn't go home, so he trotted off and I went to visit my friend in her bar, only had one rose wine, caused havoc and wobbled my way home, I did enjoy it, got a bit of a headache now though.

Desktop monitor is working well but cannot get the mouse to move, have replaced the batteries, but stranger and stranger the dangly thing with a red button which should be attached to the tower is missing so cannot press it to get the cordless mouse working, I ask you!! Got a couple of brand new panasonic cordless phones for 5€ off a local selling site yesterday and they are rather nice, they have replaced the panasonic ones in the kitchen and computer room (all of 4 metres apart) small house and we also have a phone in the bedroom and one in the lounge, don't ask! Mr N is working this morning as he has so much work to do. I made two curries yesterday so we'll have those today and he can rest when he comes in and watch the Ryder cup!

Hope you are all ok.
Hey there, I was the one out and about last night, yet I am here, where are the rest of yous??
I am sitting here despairing of my family.

One of my (non-direct) ancestors is said to have married Victor Forbes.

I have found her in the electoral rolls: Mrs Clara Forbes. But she is still living with her family; no Mr Forbes. Victor Forbes lives across town with Mrs Charlotte Forbes. So did someone get the two C Forbeses confused?

But three years later... Clara Forbes is still home with her family. Victor Forbes is still across town. But Mrs Charlotte Forbes has moved to Forbes St (perhaps she liked the name).

So now I have two Mrs Forbeses without husbands and one Mr Forbes without a wife. And they're the only Forbeses in town so I can't pair them off with anyone else.

Really, what do they think they are up to???
I have got a photo (famous in my family) of my grandfather with BOTH his wives. His second wife, my grandmother, was a lodger in the house with my grandmother and his first wife. She died and he remarried.
The story in the family was that it was a marriage of convenience to keep things proper.....but they had 5 children.
I don't mind improper relationships. In fact I'd quite like to have one myself, though I may be leaving it a bit late.

What I disapprove of is making things confusing for your poor descendants so they can't figure out who did what with who when they plant their family trees. So inconsiderate.
It's never too late to be improper jno, I have my moments!! <<< tut tut at your rellys >>> and I thought it was today that people were becoming casual!!
Morning all...dull, windy and chilly...and I've got a cough :(

Oh jolly well done shaney!!!
You see, we said you'd master it. Today pillowcases, tomorrow....erm, more pillowcases? :)

Oh families, haha. At least Clara Forbes is a nice normal name. I couldn't possibly post on here some of our family names. Some of them added a bit on, some took a bit off. The man I'd believed to be my grandfather wasn't, because grandma had taken my mum and run off with him, leaving two other daughters behind with their father. Grandma was sooo austere too...tut. I didn't know until they were long gone. I'm sure I've mentioned I didn't know until I was 50 that I was illegitimate (my dad was married when mum met him).
I can't imagine what has really gone on the past....conveniently a lot of papers were 'lost in the war'. hmmmm....
you are quite improper enough already, "best answer" neti


Robi, I haven't any idea if Clara was up to anything, I'm just confused. There are no family legends of any sort to help me. (This was yonks ago, her generation and the next are all dead.) I've sent off for her death certificate, which should tell me who she married and when, though of course that will depend what the informant told them.
I am here! Having a bad day today............. cold, miserable and hiding under the duvet. Meggie is obviously feeling the same. She is curled up in the cat's basket - has been since she came in from her early morning wee!!
See you later. I am bad company at the moment.................

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