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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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without waiting for dad to croak? If I'd been one of them I'd have made darn sure he croaked before providing me with younger brothers...

One of OH's ancestors was awarded half of Ohio after the war of independence, for services rendered... possibly not theirs to give as it was Injun Territory, but anyway he never went to pick it up, and it seems to be no longer in the family.... sigh
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My nephew ..this is my sisters eldest son ,spends loads of time on this family tree . His wife moans all the time that whenever they go anywhere it has to involve a graveyard !
He's done a good job though and funnily enough because I'm on it in my maiden name and we have profiles on genes reunited I had an email a couple of years ago wanting to know if I had a brother who was ex copper from some lady .Turned out she was a long lost cousin of my SiL .She moved away to Norwich after the floods in '53 as a young girl and they lost touch .
They've since been reunited after many years and often meet up for lunches .So that was nice ..
more junk <ahem> lovely but unwanted items gone out the door to local parish council who are very grateful...I am lolling around waiting to go for my haircut.
Hi all - busy day for me. Have a train to catch tomorrow down south so will see you all next week sometime.
Have good weekend. I'm going to see a Premier League football match...Aren't I a traitor :) Let's hope Derby do well against Forest on Sunday ooops ducks out of Robi's way. Sorry.

Oight Oight Biddyfriends everywhere. I haven't forgotten you. x
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Have a lovey time Jude and take care .
Can you all please remind me never to post in CB again .It seems you can't have a nice ordinary husband ..he has to be someone other women lust after :)
ta ra Jude, have a lovely time...oops, you dropped your keys.. :o)
lol shaney...and she'll be some poor, blameless innocent.
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Lol Robinia ....considering some of the creepy specimens on here I'm quite happy with what I've got :)
Oight Oight .Sleep toight .
Hair is cut and I am weary....CB is just creepy sometimes.
Oight oight all
Morning all

Have a nice trip jude.

Shaney you have described the almost perfect husband, and I certainly wouldn't want women lusting after my old man (ha ha the thought of it!!!!)
Morning all...raining, tut. That wasn't on the menu for today, so much for all the new fangled computers they're supposed to have.

I had women lusting after my ex, jeez, some of 'em were like bloomin' alley cats...and they really didn't think they were doing anything wrong. Anyway the day came when I said 'You can have him, good luck'. Wasn't long before the next alley cat turned up...and so on..and so on... I don't think they lust after him any more, ha.

I've been putting off having my hair done for so long. Actually I quite like having it longer again, it's just the weather, on days like this it plays havoc with it...bit more conditioner needed maybe...
Good morning all....good long walk this morning then we all fell back into bed. The boys woke me again at 10.00 which is 8 am in my world because I get up at 04.15 ish and go back to bed at 06.15 ish.
.....and that's about it really....

Dh used to go to hotels abroad when he was at work and if he went and sat in the bar alone, he used to get hit on on a regular basis. He found it scarey and in the end used to go straight from his room to the restaurant if he was on his own.
quite a nice day yesterday, got a couple of birth certificates that explained some things, another one that just created further confusion, sweet-talked her upstairs out of handing us her £400 plumbing bill because of our plumber's error (pointing out that we never charged her when she flooded us five years ago), then had a chateaubriand at Rowley's in Jermyn St (with a discount voucher, naturellement). Wish it would warm up, though.

Tonight: Pizza Express with bunch of OH's ex-colleagues, how whoopee is that.

Nobody has ever lusted after anyone I've been involved with, which I suppose is a testament to my eccentric tastes.
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Lol ..nobody would be lusting after Mr S atm if you could hear the language as he fills in his tax return .I said not to forget to tick the boxes or he'd get another snotty letter .He said they can kiss his his ar*e. B.bureaucrats .B red tape merchants ....mutter mutter .
Actually he is a nice chap,very easy going really and I am lucky .Why I should feel that other women ought to be lusting after him is frankly ridiculous .
And if some old trollop did think she might be in with a chance she ain't seen me in action :)
Hope you are all Ok .Not a bad day here ,bright and breezy .
Shopping later and chish and fips .
Actually in the 70's when a much younger and more handsome Mr N (with long hair) worked in a bar, he was lusted after with me sitting there, so he said that's my wife and I said I'd never seen him before in my life and was a tourist having a drink, they wouldn't go, I found it hilarious, he was most uncomfortable, it happened twice,, still laugh at his discomfort!!
Very overcast and showery here today, hope it hold off as have to drive to hospital for a mammogram at 4.30 my time.
Anyone see "Homefront" last night, I quite enjoyed it.
I get lusted after, but can't be ar**d to put it politely, and the skin wrinkles would get in the way!

Discount voucher jno, my old man will never use anything like that and if we win a free dinner in a restaurant he gives it away!!
very noble of Mr Neti, I'm sure, but I get discounts on anything I can. I like good stuff, I just object to paying for it.
I got a free lunch from waitrose today, they sent me a coupon for a fiver off my next in store minimum spend so me and the dogs popped to the local store and had a picnic.

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