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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
good morning all, I bet the Dancing Queen doesn't surface glad that you had a good time Neti and we need to see pics of the outfit. We have been out for real running around in the coolth!!! it was lovely!!

shaney I know what you mean about living in a vest. I have been living in a t shirt and keeping a cardigan by the front door to make myself decent for deliveries. I am sorry you have the heat, it has been totally horrible and depressing, you just feel like you can't do anything.
oh, this looks like her
yup....that's our Neti!
I've got some itches that are making me move in a similar fashion to that jno

Morning all, dull and muggy...and that's only me :) Yes, it was sticky last night. Just waiting for a dizzy pill to kick in, I need to get a bit further than I did yesterday and it looks like we're back to monsoon season again tomorrow.

Would it really be wrong to show everyone a quick glimpse of the baby's face? I know there have to be official photos and all that but the rest of the hoo ha seemed fairly relaxed, casual clothes, Kate's mum being the first visitor, etc.

Has anyone got a blouse with leg o mutton sleeves I can borrow please? I've got a nasty bite on the top of arm I need to shield from the sun (if it comes out)
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Morning all
And another hot one .Not one drop of rain .The thunderstorms have passed us by but we may get them on Saturday .Hope you are all Ok .
Neti dirty stop out :) Sounds as if you had a lovely time though ,how are your tootsies this morning ?
Moorrrnning !

I had the time of my life, finally got in at about 6ish (we are an hour ahead) the taxi dropped me off at the Police station, you should have seen their faces, the Police were on the patio and it was daylight and there was Mama Neti waltzing up the lane with flowers in the hair. I didn't wear a long dress as I looked such a tit and about 9 yrs pregnant, so wore flared jeans, a smock top, sandals and loads of beads and chains.

Lots of young people kept asking my friend (she's 60) and me to have photos with them, guess they've seen such golden oldies, it's great. You just dance anywhere and people just come by and dance with you and then float away. Some chap who looked like PJ Proby kept coming up to me acting as if I should know him, then he showed me his t-shirt with his face all over it, he may have been important but I wasn't bovvered. I just can't explain how lovely it was, friendly, cool and laid back. i dance the whole time from 1am til 5.30. Got a bit of a "head" on me today.

Off out for dinner tonight.
You all sound chipper! Poor woofy is having rather a heat wave, I sympathise!

Feet are wonderful, didn't hurt at all but that's down to the champers and beer.

Beer was £13 for a bottle and my friend had a small bottle of wine £38!!!!
Neti you think I get out and about you sound like I used to be quite number of years ago..I'm happy for you!
Having a 'house cleaning from top to bottom' day today. I've done downstairs and now have to lug my cleaner upstairs. The bathroom needs a 'bottoming' excuse the pun. And clothes need sorting out in the bedrooms.
I've not forgotten to have another go at my printer. It'sstill not working with new cartridges Shaney. Thanks for the suggestion anyway. I've checked connections and everything I can think of but no luck yet. I bet it's something really simple which I haven't spotted.
I've got to get cracking. Welll after I've had a coffee and a biscuit.

laters 'gaters have a good day.
Neti, that sounds wonderful, I feel weary just reading about it lol. Its much much cooler here today actually rather nice and the forecast seems to be that it will stay that way.
sounds like a very nice night out, but although I stay awake long past midnight (unwillingly) there's no way I could dance.

Turned out warm and sunny here again today but I have been doing some tidying up, but only on my computer. Hundreds of old files tossed into the bin!
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Phew it's so humid and sticky here .It's clouded up now and hopefully it might rain .I love the hot weather but it's even getting me down now .It's not a comfortable heat .My ankles and fingers have swollen up and my joints ache .
You make me feel giddy Jude and Neti .I couldn't do any bottoming or dancing to save my life in this .Sitting on my bottom and wriggling me feet is about as far as it goes today .
The neti has risen!
have showered and am eating salami on toast. Had a very lazy day in my bed with the air con blasting out. I slept for a couple of hours. I have gained a kilo after all that jogging about!!!!!

Off out for a dinner in a nice restaurant tonight, it's Mr N's goddaughter's hen weekend and we are all going en famille. Hope they are not too energetic ot chatty :o(
we have been warned that out temps are rising tomorrow, so I'll just be hanging out here then!
Today i have finished my entries for the local show on saturday (a card, a piece of jewellery, a bottle of fruit liqueur) shampoo'd the living room rug, stripped the large and small settees and washed and dried the covers, walked the dogs, swept under the settees (don't ask) I have also shed a load of water weight due to the weather cooling. busy busy.
I made a mistake, my fil worked for special branch not M15!
Oh woofy, wish I could do all that, my carpets are covered in cat hair, and it's too hot to even get the hoover out!
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It's 32C in the back garden .Cba ...sending for a take away meal .
I've just watered round and I was tempted to turn the hose onto myself .
So it's Prince George then .They had to stick to something traditional I suppose for a future king .
Oight oight all. Cleaning, knitting, cooking, eating, wasing pots - ready for bed....
See yer later 'gater(s) x
oight oight folks...a better night here tonight.
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Morning all
deep joy's sloshing with rain .Feels fresher already .
Hope you are all ok this morning .

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