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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Last load in but it's on a hot wash so will take a couple of hours. Got feet up relaxing on sofa!!!
in your Ipod?
Just getting hotter than ever!! Dinner served, eaten and plates washed up and put away, floor mopped, me shattered. Had a couple of swims, now waiting for Corrie. Still haven't seen Luther or Law and Order but have them recorded.
Hi again....
Woofy I can't find a picture of that flower my sister gave me so I've asked her to tell me the name. Had to do it by email as she's not in and she never (underlined) has her mobile switched on :)

Question for everyone...What was the name of that...ism (man's name I think) when someone says two words back to front e.g. My friend said I got 'out of the flower' and 'washed the shore'.
If I win the Lotto tonight the first one to get it right will be treated to a new car!

Going to watch the athletics for a while and do some more knitting. Yes I can multi-tack!! Ooops but I can't spell task. :)
Spoonerism is it Jude?
Of course it is Robi I couldn't think of it. And the car Wow!!! I still haven't checked my ticket so keep you fingers crossed!!

Oight Oight Biddyfriends everywhere sleep tight x
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Robinia only wants that car so that she can wear her tiara and wave to people as she purrs along with her chauffeur :)
It's as hot as Hades here but we've been promised some rain tomorrow at some stage .
Picky has finished his contract over here so he came this evening after work and took me to Lidl for some shopping .I took the sewing machine back and they gave me a refund .I didn't tell you that it broke did I ? I tried to get to grips with it and was doing well and then the foot fell off and it jammed !They were very helpful at their service department though .So my sewing days are over .
Hope you all have a cool and restful night. Pip pip.
I came to bed at 2.00.
had to undo 26 rows of the foot. Absolutely peed off with it but yet again patiencee prevailed and I am now back on track and I will repeat will finish those bloodysocks in the next few days. rant over Oight Oight
jude I am puzzled about your mention if a flower? Did you post a picture of one, sorry my brain is going. Not just my brain, I managed to find a clayey mud hole walking the dogs this morning, went into it wellie boot deep and ended up on my hands and'd think I would have grown out of such nonsense by now, dogs thought it hilarious of course.
the BBC says it's raining, Accu says it's sunny, they're both wrong, it's overcast and mild. Is there a forecaster anywhere sophisticated enough to look out of its window and get the weather right this minute, never mind in an hour's time?
Morning all...mixed forecasts here too.

I dont remember flowers either Jude

My sister's found this for all the sweti's...hahaha, i'd probabby wake up like an ice pop :);question=%22bed%20fan%22&_requestid=90269&bkiid=redirect_bed-fan&;_requestid=186467
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Morning all
Very foggy here but Accu say sunny .You can't see across the road and it's very still and muggy .Possible thunderstorm this afternoon.
High arthritis and hair frizz alert .
Hope you biddies are all ok today .
Are you knitting those socks on four needles Jude ?

Afternoon, all Sorry I am late have a doctor's cert!! (not!)

Been shopping for food nr the airport cos it's a lovely supermarkert and muh cheaper and fresher food than anywhere else. The had to go see my new friend for coffee as she didn't know where to go.

Just got all the vast amount of washing in from yesterday, had to wear a hat just to go 5 metres in the garden so so hot.

For some ridiculous reason I decided to make a meat and pot pie, so am halfway through that, had a quick swim!

Been attacked my some biting monster in the night, think it is ants as it's on my legs, (checked for fleas - none!) I look horrible.
gardening advice, please... I found some weeds in the lawn but they were hard to dig out so I tried digging... well. There seems to be a whole network of roots growing horizontally across the lawn about 3-6 inches below the surface, and the little leaves just emerge occasionally. The roots go in every which direction, so I can't think where they come from. Each one's a good inch thick and hard to excavate; I haven't managed to track any to its source.

We've peered at them and think they're willow, though nobody around us seems to have any willow trees growing anywhere.

Any advice from amyone on how to eradicate them? I've dug up what I can leaving trenches across the lawn :-( and tried painting weedkiller on the bits above the surface, so I'll see what comes of that. But where can they be coming from?
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There's an identification chart here Jno .
Hard to tell unless you give us a piccie .All I get is dandelions ..the little bgrs :)
Mind you my lawn is so brown atm even the weeds have given up .
Morning all. Woofy I told you Fuschia gave me loads of plants of a blue flower on a long stem and you put a photo of one with a latin name and asked me if it was that one but it wasn't and I'm still trying to fined out what it is. It was about 3 weeks ago. I'm sure I haven't dreamt it :)

After last nights episode with the sock I woke up at 7.30 which wasn't too bad.
I've been to see my 'young friend' this morning and we chatted fro 2 hours over a lovely cuppa tea. She was telling me all about her new relationship etc. You know how they do when your old and they're young. She has a son at home at the mo but he's at sheffield Uni so he goes back in September. I think she's quite happy about that.

My niece in New Zealand gave me some advice about how to clean my lap top. Just turn it upside down and tap it gently on the bottom. I said I've give it a try but maybe if I didn't eat toast when I was using it - that might work too.

Offnow for some more wrist exercises > Knitting.

Have a good weekend Everyone. Laters 'gaters

Just caught up with Luther, so tell me, did he love Mary or Alice and did he end up with Mary??
pretty much like these, shaney

but only an inch or two each leaf as they were just poking out of the ground. I was startled to find they were springing out of such long, tough roots (they were just shoots, they weren't on the end of the roots). Last thing I want is avenues of willow trees growing up across my lawn.

Jude, you must remember that in New Zealand all laptops are upside down already, so they are easy to clean there.

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