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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
good morning, its coooooooool and lovely here and I have an iced coffee.....
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Morning all
Another hot sunny day by the look of it .Cooler weather on the way though according to Accu. Hope you are all ok this morning .
I had one of those nights know the sort .You put the light out ,then you need a wee,then my leg started to itch ,then I wanted a drink ,then some noisy b on a buzzy bike bombing through ,then a dog started to bark ,then my knees started throbbing ....gawd:)
We have to go into town today so Mr S can get his documents stamped to prove to the german pensions people that he's still alive ,so we'll have a lunch out .
Have a lovely time with your sister Woofy .
Morning all...warmed up quickly here and I'm all out of energy but looks like a fortnight of showers from the weekend onwards so anything domestic can wait until next week.

Oh dear shaney, I have nights like that...last night was burning legs and I had to get up once to go to the loo... but I only opened one eye, lol.
ps... lovely photo neti.
If you want to start buying knitting supplies for the dark nights (ugh!) Deramores have lots on offer
oh yes, run up something useful

what a nice photo, neti
Morning, have to take anti bi's til Wed when the offending toof will be forcibly removed from my person. She wanted to make a bridge of 3 teeth but I said no can't afford it and anyway the gap will not be noticeable it's not like the Jeremy Kyle people! God it is so hot here, am sweaty most unbearably, but things in the house have slid a bit for the last 2 days and one must cacth up.

Have a lovely time with sis woofy, am quite looking forwad to a few days of being at home, and there was I moaning about not going out. The people at Pacha called me a legend or was that a leg end?

Hope you are all well, are you all still having a heatwave or is is only shaney now (and she's having a social life too!)

jude and Robi, is this proposed new train HS2 going to affect either of you, I mean Robi will you be selling snacks from your bedroom window??
I do not trust accuview it always says we are cooler than we actually are.
Official temps are always cooler neti...they're no doubt taken taken from shaded stations, probably in the middle of nowhere so there's no heat reflected back from pavements and buildings.

Well I'm a dab hand at making curled up cheese butties so it's an idea... it won't be that near but I've super glued my objets d'art down just in case. The idea scares me actually.
accuweather's never told me I'm cool... in fact nobody has.
Yes we always measure the temp in the shade, but there is very little shade and coolness here atm. Inside the house with the fan going we are 32º. I am a sweti mess.

But have changed our bedding (cannot remember when I did it last, probably a couple of days ago before I became a legend!) Henryed all through, feels better. Am making sweet and sour chicken with noodles and rice. I very much doubt if Mr N will take me out for a thai meal again tonight!!!!
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It's 30C here and am in competiton with sweaty betty !
What a mistake to go into GY today .It was heaving .Mr S was getting narky because of queue jumpers in the job centre and kept huffen and puffen ,then we had to wait about until they found an offiicial person to come and stamp his form .We had no lunch,you couldn't put a pin down in the pub we usually go to and a couple of other places were the same ,so home we came ,lunchless.
I'll have to knit some sandwiches .
I'm struggling knitting socks so don't expect me to knit sarnies. I've nearly finished one though. Almost up to the toe...I'll start the other tomorrow hopefully.

I've just spent 2 hours, literally, putting a key cover on my lap top together.Had to find it in the cleaner first that was a job and a half - rubber gloves and slowing sifting. It was 3 very small pieces of plastic. I actually managed to do it. It came off because I sucked it up into my vacuum when cleaning the crumbs and dust out of the keyboard. Never again!!!Proved something to myself though I've more patience than I thought I had.

Have a great time with you sister Woofy. I'm hoping to meet my Bro in a fortnight. He's at Cambridge fold Festival this weekend meeting up with all his friends.

I'm so hungry now. chicken and chips I think now. Laters 'gaters
Oh shaney don't you just hate it when that happens. B
Nothing going to plan! How can anyone knit in this weather??

Just orf to do the jolly ole ironing cos Mr N is running out of shorts!
No ironing today! Just had to mop all the patio, and it's big, then found out the patio light on the steps isn't working, so attended to that and a huge black spider came dangling out, never seen one like it over here, bit English looking. So it dangled and I screamed and ran around wet patio, grabbed a broom and help aforesaid spider to the garden, I would have killed it but it just fell in the garden, so light was sprayed with kill everything type spray and I have put in new lightbulb (from laundry room cos I couldn't find another one with a big thread) screwed it all together and hopefully it'll be OK now.

That is it til dinner time!
sorry jude I swear you werent there. I've just hoovered my keyboards but they have behaved. What patience you have!
Neti! What have you done to Harry the spider?! I sent him over for a holiday, he's been a bit confused since his coming out party...please be kind to him.

Jude I always Hoover my keyboard too but I'm a bit obsessive about emptying it, I hate seeing the dust in the drum, so if something something accidentally goes up the spout there's not much to sift through.

I wish I was hungry, it's so heavy today, I've got a sinussy shaney, have my snack
amazing Robi, where do you find them?

Have blitzed the bathroom and tidied and changed the bedding in hija's room. Have already done 3 loads of washing and am on 4th nearly finished and then hija's bedding, I did a pop mop head in for a wash but don't count that as a load!

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