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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
no Neti, us biddies may be old and grumpy but we are neither rude nor stupid
I did tell Toes that I knew who he was, and he disappeared.
yes but you didn't do the baying pack thing around a newcomer.
No definitely not, as I said ,unless the clone was being awful and hurting someone I'd leave them be!
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Lol...they're all wriggling .Squeaky bum time .
I'm off to my bed .It's been a lovely day here weather wise .My abcess burst .I won't go into details ,but suffice to say ..what a relief !
Hope your tum has settled down Woofy .
Oight Oight lovelies and woofy dogs ,sleep toight .
Tum not good but improving. Oight oight all
Good morning, oh abcess bursting, I like that, love watching the gunge come out. You'll be better now shaney.

Off to dentist to have my partial reinserted, had it done in Eastbourne 15months ago but it is hurting so she is redoing it.

Hope you are all well and 'appy (that for jno in Paris)
good morning all, yes nasty but much better shaney. Hopefully your teef will now be sorted Neti. I am much better but very tired, the after effects of the bug I guess.
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Morning all
We've had a drop of rain but the sun's shining now .Hope you're all okeydokey.
Hope Jude and Jno are having nice weather on their jaunts .
I have to smile when I post .Underneath the previous thread is.....
"Do you want a young looking face ?"
Oh yes please ,mine's a bit crumply this morning .
Good luck at the dentist Neti .Take it easy Woofy .Must totter to shops and library before the grockles take to the streets.Pip pip for now .
Having a great time and weather is keeping fine thanks. Back on Sunday. Ascot tomorrow.
Hi jude, bye jude ♥

Well dentist looked at my false tooth and said it was put in so well she didn0t really want to remove it, so she's had a good poke around and found the discomfort was a little cavity in the next tooth whichs was drilled and filled with no anaesethetic (wow had to google that spelling) says to go back on 14th and see !

Had coffee with Mr N, very nice, now all at home chillaxing.

Good whateveritis...this has been a non day. Yesterday's nagging headache turned into a massive head bursting sinus do, still threatening today, and insides are dodgy. I'm still blaming the weather, it's overcast and windy.
Hope everyone feels livelier than I do.
I've got an ad for a Pro Action 6 man tent following me around...think I'll give that a miss today :)
have spent the day mostly asleep and am feeling loads better, sorry you are suffering Robi, I hope I didn't pass it to you...
well it wasn't supposed to be but its warm and sticky here....hope we aren't getting another bout of storms...anyway oight oight all.
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Been warm and sticky here too .I just made it back from the shops this morning before the heavens opened and it came down in stair rods .It brightened up again though and got out very warm .
Sorry to hear you're under the weather Robinia .I think it's the weather because it's all up and down again temp wise and my joints ache.Hope you feel better soon .Oight Oight folks ,sleep toight.
A tad cooler today, been out for a fab thai meal then to listen to Mr N's friend's group in a b ar on the beach - lovely time had by all!

Oight oight!
Well, jolly good morning to you all!

Now I hope Robi and woofy are feeling better now, hope shaney's lump is clearing up, hope Lottie is OK, and jude and jno are partying their socks off!!

Had a terrible attack of acid reflux in the night (no surprise really) but had to sit in lounge for hours then I drank milk and finally went back to bed. Hate it. Even my ears hurt!
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Morning all
Cool and cloudy here .Hope you are all ok and that poorlies feel better .
You need some Gaviscon Neti .I avoid spicy food 'cos it gives me acid .
Don't think I'll be going far or doing much today .Getting washed and dressed might be a good start though ...pip pip for now .
A'noon...I keep losing my tinter connection. I feel a bit more human today (so far) but I'm tired. It's very overcast again and that doesn't help.

I didn't think milk was good for acid (unless it's that awful white watery stuff), it just adds more fat doesn't it? I couldn't eat anything more than a small snack after 7.30 and expect to sleep. You need to raise the head of your bed neti...but that's not a lot of good if you sleep upside down. I'd just slide out and disappear underneath the drawers :)
hello all, picking up gradually thank you. I can't eat late at night either.

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