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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
tut...pair of show offs...

legs it
> > > > > > >
Robi, if you feel well enough to run about get out in the garden and work! lol
Question Author busy bees .All I've done is wander down the road to the wool shop for a pattern I ordered ,got a paper for Mr S and put some washing out .
Oh yes ..I bought a lemon drizzle cake in the bakers and it was awful hard work eating a slice of it with a cuppa :)
haha...I've worked hard making a cuppa for the mowerman...

ooh what are you knitting shaney? I found a nice cardi pattern on deramores but I forgot to bookmark it so I'll have to search through again...that'll be hard work :)
Actually it would be a whole lot easier to clickety click a ready made cardi...I like this but it's a lotta money and I don't particularly want black...;ref=sr_1_24&nodeId=43083030&sr=1-24&qid=1376319316

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Only a scarf and gloves Robinia .
I've just finished this one
I can't be doing with big projects anymore .I knitted a jumper and it took me ages .I was fed up with it in the end with reversing the shaping and faffing . I can knit this sort of thing and watch TV at the same time .I love that coat ,but not black . I've got a black coat .It'd be nice in choc brown or rust for the autumn .
have just watered everywhere and topped up the fish pond. I love that jacket but it would look like a sausage skin on me.
I just ordered this from marks. I saw it in town yesterday but they didn't have my size. It has tiny twinkly sequins all over it
Yes shaney, that cardi would be lovely in rust...I love the patterns and the yarn, especially the midnight blue and the light grey. Funny how you don't notice things until someone else chooses them.

Woofy, as you forgot to show us what it is that has twinkly sequins all over it we can only assume it's this....?
btw shaney...are you meds working? Which antihistamines did you have and have they helped your sinuses? I'm fed up of mine.
wow Robi, that looks itchy
its this, less exciting but more wearable

Robi Have I mentioned sterimar to you for sinusitis?
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I did the first scarf in Moonlight Sonata in
and I'll do the other one in Twinkle midnight .The chap at the wool shop is going to order it for me .
She just gave me Loratadine Robinia 10mg .Told me to take one every morning .
I can't see any improvement as yet .I'm still sneezing on and off and have itchy eyes ,bunged up ,drip,drip.Then the drip drip makes me cough cough !

Lovely jumper Woofy .Looks nice and warm .

Lovely woofy I like cabled jumpers, I was looking at that recently, there are other colours.
Yes, I've been using Sterimar for about a year now but it only gives me a bit of temporary relief.
That's beautiful yarn shaney, very luxurious. I loved this sparkly slouchy tunic but never knitted it (the patterns still available elsewhere)

I'm taking loratidine already. I might feel better once the dry seedy/windy/dusty seaon is over...and then it'll be the central heating bunging me up :)
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Ooh that's lovely .I'd be knitting it until I'm in my dotage though :)
My fingers don't go so fast theses days .I like these chunky tops though .They look easy and I'm dithering
Robi do you squirt loads in?
They're lovely shaney, I'm sure you'd easily cope with those...don't dither too long, have you noticed there's a code for 15% off chunky yarns til the 15th Aug?
Haha yes woofy, I've got it down to a fine art now, I'm surprised I haven't washed my brain out :)
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I'm soooo tempted now espesh with 15% off ....
Decisions ,decisions .....
yup Robi, you have to do enough to make your brain slosh lol. Pity it doesn't help.
I love that big baggy sweater, yes please shaney in lurex! Hija has one I bought her for xmas from Wallis.
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My turn to make cuppas for mowerers tomorrow ..if he turns up .He should do because he's at my brothers so he'll remind him .So I'd better turn in or I'll be making his tea in my jim jams . Oight Oight folks ,sleep toight .

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