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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Hi Robi, I will try that trick with the shoes, but think I'll have to buy a new pair :o))
Its a floaty day today. I am wearing a very pretty thin shirt with flowers and parrots on a white background. Its magic material, very very fine but you can't see underwear through it. I had a blitz in town, they had just had a delivery so i came home with 5!!!!!!!!!! new tops. Apparently they had just had a delivery of the new autumn stuff.
thank you for the heads up on the new book Shaney...I think i've got enough left to buy it lol.
I cannot do tight shoes at all, my feet start yelling.
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It says 13 episodes in my tv book Neti and on Wiki .
Turned out lovely here and I've pottered around the garden a bit .
Your lunch sounds lovely .Nothing so exotic here .Fried pots,sausages and macedoine salad .
I had a slice of cold vegetable pizza from the marks fresh baked department....delicious.
yes 13 is what I have seen.
Ooh, nothing like a shopping spree to perk you up woofy. Yes, it's autumn in the shops already...and in a few weeks it'll be Ch...Chri...nope, I just can't say it.

I think the weather's a bit Septemberish, is been breezy and cloudy and I still feel a bit headachey and jaded but we've been to see baby moondust so that was lovely. 6 weeks old now and I can't believe how he's grown and he smiles, a bit lop sided but it's there. He's wearing them out a bit though, it seems to be non stop feeding these days.

I think I'll just about manage to stay awake to watch Law and Order tonight.
Aw little baby Moondust, bet that gladdened your heart to see him Robi, didn't you think to take him home for the night to give them a rest, tut Granny!!
Well he's a sweetie but at 3am I suspect I could see him differently...and I don't have the necessary 'supplies' :)
Baby MoonDust....I love that name. I am having a very hippy retro vibe at the moment. I am grateful for the cooler weather but it still feels a bit heavy and headachey. Shughy isn't worried though so I am assuming no storms.
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I'll see what happens in the last episode then Neti and report back .
Oh yes ..retail therapy ,best thing for any ailments and troubles ,..even if you have to force yourself round the shops or get RSI of the wrist from mouse clicking !
Pleased to hear baby Moondust is doing well Robinia .Six weeks eh? Hope you had a good cuddle .He'll soon be 16 and wanting a car :)
I didn't really enjoy my dinner .I get fed up with cooking and by the time itwas on the table I'd lost my appetite but I do have a nice fresh cream cake to eat while I watch The White Queen and Bradley .Until then I'll chug round AB and see who I can annoy:)
Good morning all,a lovely cool night, the first in ages. We all slept through the alarm and the dogs are now asleep again.
Morning all...bright and breezy again which is good cos it's mowering man day.
I slept better (nice and warm with the duvet back on) but I'm still tired & stuffy headed. I took an antihistamine last night to see if that makes a difference and I'd got four strange marks on my arm I wanted to stop in their tracks in case they were bites, my sister's just had some really nasty blistery ones.

That's true shaney, 6 weeks will be 6 yrs and then 16yrs before we know it. I'm not sure I'll still be on AB ....but you never know :)
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Morning all
Cooler and overcast.Hope you are all ok .
Lol Robinia ..time flies so quickly .They grow up before you can blink .
Touch wood I've not been bitten this year...give it time :)
I should be stirring to work but its so lovely and peaceful here....maybe later
Morning - stilll hotter thn hell here, hate it.

Mr N driving me mad, lolling about the house, grrr.

I went out and bought muself the new phone, well he did, but he doesn't know it yet. It's dual sim so handy for here and there. It's arrives in the shop on Wed, but had to order it up front cos
they go out as soon as they arrive.
met a friend for coffee had a good natter, needed a pee but couldn't be bothered to ask for the key in the cafe, so hurried all the way home, and made it just!!

Have to print off my ryanair boarding pass and I dread it, always comes out too small and you only get attempts. Hate ryanair no idea why he booked it!!
*only get 2 attempts*
ah, ryanair, formerly known as
we have been gardening, planting my last trough. This one is pink and white with loads of different leaf shape. I have underplanted with anemone blanda, the multicoloured ones, pale mauve crocus and autumn crocusses, not colchicums, the species crocus. Sis has white miniature daffs for me when she comes back and that will be it finished. The whole garden is very dry so I have put the sprinkler on while having a break, can't imagine what the water meter is doing.
I have done my ironing, made a chicken and mushroom pie from scratch (well OK I didn't kill and skin the chicken), dealt with a cold caller something to do with saving us electricity, now making mash pots.

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