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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
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Can't people contol their kids these days .Bang ,bang on the back fences for ages today .
Mine ,and both neighbours either side .Not a ball ,sounds like they're hurling bricks around .I went up the garden and told them to pack it in ( they can't see me ,fence to high ) and got a mouthful of foul language from what sounded like a ten year year old .
hose Shaney...and accidentally wave it over the fence!
It wouldn't be so bad if my boxes were proper storage ones but they're just the remnants of my internet shopping habit...some of them are still full of polystyrene 'wotsits' lol.
My neighbours have bought their kids a playhouse on legs so now they can see me over the low bit of hedge and they keep shouting me to go and chat to them. They told me they've got carpet, chairs, a tv, 3 beds and a toilet in there, haha :). They're lovely and funny but sometimes I have to shuffle past them in my camouflage kit.
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That's a good idea Woofy .I'll keep that in mind for the next time the little darlings start..and why do they have to screeeeeam all the time Actually it's all gone quiet now so perhaps they have been reprimanded
I'm getting old and grumpy .
I need a brandy...I shone a torch in my oven (don't ask). I think I know what the chore du jour will be tomorrow. :(

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Go and buy yourself a bottle of brandy Robinia ....and have a tot .
You'll be whizzing round the oven in no time cleaning is the pits of a job .I cleaned mine a while back with that stuff you paint on and put the racks into a bag .It was brilliant ..can't think of the name of it though ,but much easier than elbow grease .
My Mum always had a brandy miniature in her handbag just in case she felt a bit woozy :)
It must be a day for it. I've got a rum and coke tonight.
When my Mum was diagnosed with diabetes, tablet controlled, she was told to always carry a few sweets in her pocket in case of a hypo. It wasn't until about a year later, we discovered that she had got sugar free sweets in her pocket because she had also been told to avoid sugar!!!! She was lovely. We'd be out shopping and she'd say "ooo I feel dizzy, i need coffee and a cream cake"
Harry freakin' Potter

Robi? Is that a non sequitur or did I miss something?
it's on the tele woofy...again....I was just thinking in pixels, lol
oh ok, I am watching Foyle's war on sky
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I can't find anything to watch that I haven't seen before and I'm not watching Harry bldy Potter.I would rather watch paint dry. I'm waiting for the last episode of series one of The Americans shortly before ten .
ah, should have checked my calendar, all guests descended at once. Thank heavens for inflatable beds.
lol jno, just play some music and when the music stops.....
anyway time for kip here.....oight oight all
Morning all...I was convinced it's Monday but it seems not.
Well not only is it dull, it's cold and windy too. I hope neti's happy with it, it looks the same dahn sarf. Accu says 'spotty showers'...? Since when was that a formal forecast, tut? It sounds like an invasion of students. The BBC would never have used such a phrase back in ye olden dayes

good morning, its grey and drizzly here. I have coffee, had biscuits till the dogs cadged them.
the showers seem to have despotted themselves, or maybe that was just Clearasil drizzling down all night. Warm now and even sunny occasionally. jno jnr and gf are still abed, or maybe dressing for the BBQ they're going to, cousin is abroad with an even more distant cousin somewhere in the big smoke. I think I'll skip the carnival this year, the sound systems are all a bit much for my poor ears and they don't seem to do those nice steel bands any more.
I agree re sound systems. I have this theory that there are a group of us who get less deaf as we get older.
it's not easy reading out the weather on telly, you know, Robinia Media URL:
wrong video, that one, this one should be more accu

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