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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon.
better shout up
NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!

which caryopteris have you got Robi? silver, gold, or plain green?
oh no, the picture has been reduced to one pixel square (it's the tiny white dot in the middle of the page). I wonder how that happened. Never mind.

After last night's Irish/Sicilian comedy/musical/drama, I find I am now booked for a three-hour study of modern China tomorrow and Othello next Sunday. I don't know if I can stand the pace.
That all sounds very eyebrow jno...sorry highbrow...I don't suppose 3 hrs of modern China means a wander round Ikea dinnerware dept?

Woofy it's the most common one (around here anyway), clandonensis, Heavenly Blue. I'd describe the leaves as silvery green.
Lovely out here in the garden buts it's clouded over.

Well yet more nasty niffs at robi towers..only a rotten tater turned to mush in the old black shopper I keep them in. :( I'm going to have to start carrying a vinaigrette,tut.
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Oh well done ... I expect you'll be wanting best answer for that then Robinia :)
Hello all
Lovely day here about the same temps as Derbys .Not much to report .Been to hairdresser and Morrisons .Gardener came but there's not much to do so I made him a cuppa and we had a chat instead.He may be packing up as his wife is poorly so I'll have to look for someone else .We'll have to see how it goes .
We have been out driving!!!! In my car!!! with me doing the driving!!!! and my knee didn't hurt!!!! You have no idea (well maybe you do) how nice it was to be out of the house!!
naughty Robi gave herself best answer, that's not allowed!!
Oight oight you wanderers. I watched bake off and new tricks tonight.
Just back from "Jersey Nights" great show and yes I danced in the front aisle. Had piccies taken with them, now back at sister's with Mr N. He stayed at home!
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I gave her best answer Woofy :)
I don't think you can give yourself best answer can you ? If you can I might go and knock myself out in Q&P :)
Glad your knee has eased off .I expect you were pleased to get out for a while .It's awful when you're stuck indoors feeling under par .

New Tricks was good .I was a bit dubious about Nicholas Lyndhurst but it was OK .I'll watch the Bake Off on catch up as I have to have my Law & Order fix on Universal .
Oight Oight folks sleep toight .
hello and goodnight to all, especially woofy with her newly functioning legs. Had dinner with sis tonight, tomorrow the marathon at the theatre coming up. Pity really as it looks like being a lovely sunny day outside, but one must have one's culture.
Morning and cloudy but it's brightening up. I think I'll have another day pottering with my pansies and lolling outside because next week's not looking quite so good. Then again, they don't really know do they.

Pay attention today jno, we'll be asking questions later. I had a modern Chinese meal last night, Sainsbury's chow mein, lovely.

I'm glad you're on the move again woofy but take it steady.

Ooh, thank you matron, best answer for I...if neti doesn't see me now she never will.
Let's have a look at your profile....hmmm....
Answers - 30601
Best Answers - 30600.
Well done! ;o)

good morning, not they changed it so you can't give yourself best answer, what a shame. bright and warm here, same old same old, forcing myself to take it easy, probably another drive later.
wish I could take it easy, looks like visits to the leafy south east tomorrow and the leafy south middle the next day. Probably time I broke a leg.

Lovely sunny day as predicted. too. Sigh.
oh dear jno, come here a minute...

....there you go, grounded...
jno do not wis such a thing, you don't know who may be listening.
Good Afternoon Biddyfriends. I is Back!! Had a brilliant week down South and another in York.
Great day in Devon with Steadier and his wife. Lovely up to date photos.
Tour of London and champagne tea in Harrods was special and Ascot-well what can I say! Could write reams but I wont. I did a a new dress which I love. Will send photo when I can sort it.
A lovely week in York eating Chinese, Spanish and Italian. Not a fish and chip in sight.
Did meet Claire Balding in the Minster garden. She was there for the York Races on TV. She let me take a photo of her and stood and talked to us for quite a while while one of the men with her went to find somewhere round the front to film.
Anyway I have read lots of your posts and have thought about you all. Woofy I'm pleased you are driving again. I know how you felt as I just so wanted to drive my car again after my mishap last year and it felt great when I did.
I'd love to see Jersey Boys Neti. I saw Frankie and the 4 seasons in Nottingham lots of years ago. I am right aren't I it was about them wasn't it?
I hope you are all keeping well and enjoying some lovely weather. I haven't seen rain for ages. Just one small drizzly shower in York when we were walking to the Steam Train Museum.
Off to get may hair cut now and by crikey doesn't it need!
Then I have a huge pile of ironing. So see yer later 'gaters it's good to talk to you again.
Please excuse all my errors still need to get the space bar sorted as well as my grammar, spelling and English language.....:)
Welcome back Jude! Pleased you had a good time, you must be krackered. I like Claire B, I'm glad she was friendly in 'real life'.
Funny you should arrive now actually, I found my old tapes during a sorting session and I'm having a Billy Fury fest at full blast while I take a lunch break.
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Hello all
Another lovely day in sunny Norfolk .Perfect weather for lolling with a book .
Welcome back Jude .Sounds as if you had a lovely time .I like Clare Balding too,she's lovely as a presenter .Very versatile .
Never mind Jno you'll be able to tell all about China .We're very interested ....if our eyes "glaze " over do excuse us :0)
Hope you're all fair to diddling .Pip pip.
Hello Jude and all, was going to try to make up something exciting to tell you all today but nada. Its hot and humid here again.

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