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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
a bottle of wine for lunch? I could go for that. I have just discovered a dozen miniature spirits bottles in tge back of a cupboard, probably collected on flights long ago and forgotten about. Some of them look like classy whiskies too. And some of them are weird stuff I must have bought in the back streets of Riga or something.
I should think that anything bought in the back streets of Riga would cure your cough completely but probably not do you too much good either!
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You can pass the classy whiskies over here Jno :)
Another lovely day here,sunny and breezy .Hope you're all ok .
Have you tried sleeping upright Jno with one of those V pillows .Bit more comfy perhaps than being crumped in a chair .
Don't think I'll be doing much today and it'll be pot luck for food .
hey, I've made a fat profit this morning. Total I saved by shopping at Tesco instead of Sainsburys or Morrisons: £3.48.

Total saved by using the resulting petrol coupon: £1.20.

Total cost of things I bought that I didn't actually need: £22.75.

I'm gonna be rich.
Good afternoon All. Well my lazy Sunday is turning quite busy.I decided to go in the garden and dig up the Bird table and move it to the other side. it was quiet near fence and I'm sure the cats use that fence to stalk them so I'm hoping the new place will be better.What a lovely day sit is.I'm a bit disappointed with the sacking of Nigel Clough from Derby County but apart that alls well.
I hope Ozzy ( Ossie - not sure which) got home safe Robi.
I had a very good evening at the Family Gathering. Lovely food and friendly people. They live in a largish house and the youngsters of all ages were up and down stairs having fun. The adults were sitting about eating and drinking and chatting as they do.
I'm off now to eat - don't know what yet - Hope you're all having a good day. It's lovely here.
Hi jude, you are always doing something or other, lucky thing.

I am back from lovely paella lunch and wine, am back on the bed drinking tea.
Good busy Sunday has turned out to be ...well, err... I watched Columbo and err...painted my nails and err...that's it really. :) The wind is too fresh and blustery for me but it's very sunny through the window. And I've saved about a thousand pound by not actually pressing the 'buy now' option and leaving it all dumped in the trolley instead, haha.

Yes thanks Jude, Ozzy made it home safe and sound after a long journey ..he left Brussels on Fri night and because of the time difference it was the early hrs of Sunday for them when he landed. :(
hmmm... Glengoyne... never heard of it but if it's called Glen anything it must be top Scotch, right? Tastes very smooth. It says 10 years old and it's probably been sitting in the cupbaord for twice that long so it's nearly as old as me, nearly.
I see one finally chose a seat shaney, very nice...but don't let your tiara fall in when you're polishing it...

Hang on to it for another 10 yrs'll be able to flog it and buy 1000 more bottles from aldi. User Recommendation
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Lol....I'll have to get myself some designer loo paper too...
They do animal print now you know :)
As long I don't get a spotty botty .....hahaaa
Mr N has sudoko loo paper, he's always in there doing puzzles.
goodness, very smart, shaney, though heaven knows how you train the leopards to use it.
Good heavens jno, everyone knows how to train leopards!!
I love that loo! I had a big booze cupboard turn out last year and (whisper it) poured a few bottles that had been slightly suspect gifts for foreign places down the didn't half make the sink shine!!
We have had a pleasant autumn day here. Went plant shopping with my friend down the road and had coffee and a chocolate muffin, then came home and took the dogs to look at the sea.
oight oight my lovelies
Good morning. Sunny and bright and a tad cooler thanks heavens. Just can't get up and go in the mornings atm!
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Morning all
Another lovely sunny day ,hope you're all well.
Lol Neti ,my get up and go, got up and went ages ago .
But ,I have got my washing out early this morning !
Morning each...breezy and fresh. I've had me barnet cut and I really need to take this top off...please look away now.

Are they in the fog jno? I see nuffin but it might be because I'm on my kindle.
I would like to see the sea and a choice muffin tho :)

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