Faulty GHD's in The AnswerBank: Beauty
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Faulty GHD's

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joparsons123 | 09:26 Thu 18th Oct 2007 | Beauty
10 Answers
Please can someone tell me what I do with my faulty GHD's. Looks like there is a loose connnection in the wires as the light goes on and off as I move them.

ARGH! I cant find an address where to send them back or anything. So frustrating!

appreciate any help thanks
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Mine have broken before too... damn things! Phone this number 0845 3301133
and follow the instructions through to an operator. You may be put on hold for AGES. They will then give you an address to send them to, a reference number and post you an invoice (I think! It was a while ago). Costs �25 to repair them I think? Think mine were away for around two weeks, was hell without them! But they're fine now.

Hope you get them fixed!
Mine did something similar and I emailed them through the website. When they asked me to phone, I wrote them a letter instead, and they wrote back and sent me a freepost envelope for the old ones and sent me a brand new pair absolutely free!
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Thanks for your replies. they have just said to me I must send them back. they gave me no reference or offered to send me a prepaid envelope.

Can I ask what you said in your letter chazza? I have written out a letter to them giveing them my story, the are still pretty new however I have no receipt. I think it's wrong that I should pay to get them repaired, I spent a fortune on these 2 years ago!
Depending on how often you use them, I don't think it's unreasonable that they may need to be repaired after two years.
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Thats the thing I dhave only recently been using them more. I look after them so well too!
I just explained what had happened and asked was it a batch problem. Mine were about 5 years old and i had no receipt but it didn't seem to matter!
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Thanks Chazza,

I sent them a letter in the post and emailed them via their official website - Lets hope they can do something for me! Did they say what had happened to yours?
Mine blew up in my hair!! I took them back to where I got them from (Graham Webb) they swapped them straight over no probs. There was a prob with them a while back but I thought that had been rectified.

Now mine are fine and I've had them 6 years and use them everyday.
Mine were just old and done! I had already bought a new set when my dad suggested writing to them to see what would happen and i thought "well i might as well"! So now I have 2 pairs!
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Well I have written out a letter and explained what has happened - I also sent the same letter via their website. So we shall see..............

hopefully they can help!

thanks for all your help guys,

Have a great weekend!


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