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I've been suffering agonising toothache for the past couple of days or so, but don't want to go back to my dentist as I'm convinced it's her that's caused it! It cost me an arm and a leg at Xmas to...
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Dee Sa
my bro in law has just been prescribed above its his first time to try and quit smoking. Has anyone else tried these ? and do the work ? side effects ? any info would be helpful please....
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For any of you interested - got an ultra sound done as there was thickening tissue and doctors were worried but thank God - everything is great. Some ladies there were very nervous about their recall...
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i started a mc on 16th july and bled for 2days like a lightish period and spotted 2 days.. my pregnancy hormones by this time had gone down to 86 had no bleeding for 4 days then started like another...
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I have done exercise classes but never used the machines at the gym. I'm a bit nervous about trying this. Is it easy to get started, do you get any help with what you are trying to achieve?
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Blooming conjunctivitus I'm out of golden-eye ointment and optrex, Would a salt-water solution with cotton wool do? I've not used cotton wool for ages and forget if it sticks. The salt-water solution...
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I have been having trouble with my eyes for a few weeks now so went to doctor last wednesday, he said I have Blepharitis. Has given me eye ointment and antibiotics, I have to take one a day and use...
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Lately even after I've slept for the normal amount of hours or more I've been waking up feeling like I've only just fallen asleep. My partner believes it's just because at the moment I'm unemployed so...
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Over the past 6 months i have noticed my mum's behaviour becoming more and more erratic. Everything in the house has to be done a certain way e.g hanging towels up or deleting programes from the...
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my own hand nails are in a pitiful state in that they are weak and never grow - they split down the middle and can be sore. I drink milk - is there any thing I can buy to strengthen them - this has...
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I went to docs a couple of weeks ago with a painfull knee,she saidshe thought I had a torn ligament and booked me an app. for an Arthroscopy. Since then my Xray has come back normal,symptoms are,pain...
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Morning Sqad - went to see doc last night for 'health check' and he told me that I had very low blood pressure but was 'normal' - is this a contradiction in terms or is low blood pressure indeed...
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Had my ears pierced about 30 years ago. Soon discovered that I had a severe reaction(itching, swelling and weeping) to any earrings that weren't pure gold. Solved the problem of occasionally wearing...
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2days ago I had a knee arthroscopy to remove a piece of bone that has been Moving round inside the kneecap, does anyone know The recovery time from this operation?...
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I had tonsilitus a few weeks ago followed by a touch of loosing my voice and chesty pains/cough... went to drs and was given penicilin. Then last monday the swollen tonsils were back but no sore...
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Went for my mammogram about 2 weeks ago maybe one - cant remember - anyway they have asked me to go back for more screening and get different tests done, take blood tests, and maybe a biopsy -...
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Hi everyone, I've been driving myself mad this morning, doing some internet research on different contraceptive pills. I know that the side-effects and benefits are different for each user, however I...
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Sometimes not all the time i get this feeling the ceiling artex or the corners of furniture or threads is the blanket and many other thinks are going to poke me in the eye lol. I have to put my hands...
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Wonder if you have any advice.I have recently had a stoma fitted as part of the treatment for a rectal tumour, but i have frequent discharge from my backside,i have no control over this problem and...
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I wake up every morning with a real feeling of anxiety and dread. I retired a few years ago, I'm healthy and active, lovely husband, family and friends, could do with a bit more income but then...

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