A few years ago I had the same ..Tendonitis .. It really took over my life because of the pain, every movement had to be considered.The pain was so severe when it instantly arrived, I felt as though I had passed out and broken into an instant sweat in a second. I have broken arms legs and ribs, but none of these came close to the pain of tendonitis.
I spent a small fortune trying anything to relieve it. It's funny how everyone seems to have an expensive remedy when you are vulnerable.
My GP could only help temporarily with a cortisone injection .. I would avoid this again, as I ended up in A&E unable to speak for 2 hours because of the pain.
Having exhausted all avenues and thinking I was destined to a lifetime of pain I struggled on.
Then one day I had a chance meeting with a lady walking her dog. She commented on the way I was carrying a parcel, as I had it cradled in my arms, this was less painfull than trying to grip it with my hands I told her. When I told her what the problem was. She told me she had studied herbal medicine for years, and if I was willing to try something, she said she was sure it would help.
Having spent a small fortune on trying anything to relieve the pain, I was willing to have a go at something else.. anything.!
She told me what causes the pain in relation to the tendons and the inflamation.
She told me to go and buy some Arnica tablets 30c. They are made by Nelsons and are available from Holland and Barrett. She said that these may relieve the pain. That was music to my ears. Within the hour I had bought some (£5.00) and got straight on taking them.
This pain had plagued me for around three years at this stage, and was the biggest feature in my daily life and I would'nt wish it on anyone.
After about 4/5 days taking the Arnica I did'nt want to dare think it, but I was sure there was a little 'Less' pain .... anyhow after a month there was a remarkable improvement.
The Arnica helped with the pain and since then whenever I get the slightest twinge in the same spot I start taking it. I really have to think twice now so as not to put extra strain on my elbows.
Give it a go as you have nothing to loose .. only the pain.