Quizzes & Puzzles7 mins ago
Front Of Ankle Pain
7 Answers
In agony since Saturday with a pain in the front of right ankle. Feels like something is trapped and needs to click. Painful walking in flat shoes but relieved by wearing heels although does not totally disappear. What is it? No sprain or other injury.
http://www.f ooteducation .com/anterio r-ankle-impi ngement I have re-read your OP and I feel that you do actually mean IN FRONT of your ankle and providing all my other provisos are still in place then a condition known as Anterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome seems the more likely.
09:19 Tue 19th Aug 2014
I am just a bit confused here with the absence of an accurate description of the site of the pain.
Front of the ankle...do you mean the top of the foot?
I also will assume that there is one swelling or redness and you have already mentioned that trauma is not part of the picture.
With relief that you describe with changing the type of shoe, then it does sound very much like..Extensor Tendonitis.......Google it.
The treatment involves my good friend Ibuprofen and it should settle within a couple of weeks.
Front of the ankle...do you mean the top of the foot?
I also will assume that there is one swelling or redness and you have already mentioned that trauma is not part of the picture.
With relief that you describe with changing the type of shoe, then it does sound very much like..Extensor Tendonitis.......Google it.
The treatment involves my good friend Ibuprofen and it should settle within a couple of weeks.
http:// www.foo teducat ion.com /anteri or-ankl e-impin gement
I have re-read your OP and I feel that you do actually mean IN FRONT of your ankle and providing all my other provisos are still in place then a condition known as Anterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome seems the more likely.
I have re-read your OP and I feel that you do actually mean IN FRONT of your ankle and providing all my other provisos are still in place then a condition known as Anterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome seems the more likely.
Thank you for trying to answer Squad when I haven't really explained where the pain is ..... it is on the ankle joint where the foot rotates but at the front of the joint why able meets top of foot. So when pointing toes downwards it is painful at the stretch. Sorry finding it really hard to describe!
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