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Aloe Vera

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dylanfanatic | 18:56 Tue 03rd Jul 2018 | Health & Fitness
4 Answers
J have an out of date bottle of aloe vera colon cleanse with 'best before date' 03/02/2017, is it still safe to use please?



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....well, if it's not safe it'll give you the ***ts.....oh, but that's why your taking it, anyway!
(Haven't got a sensible/useful answer though).
Everything is safe after a "best before" date. It may just be less effective. "Use by" is for things that can be unsafe.
no safer or less safe than it was before that date....I mean colon cleanse??????? why, just why????????
Agree with Wolfgang, why do you think your colon needs cleansing, just have a bit more fibre and more water it will clean itself

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Aloe Vera

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