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New Knee

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maggiebee | 17:17 Thu 30th May 2019 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
Had original X Ray on my knee in May 2018; diagnosed with osteoarthritis and needing a knee replacement. Hurrah, have just had a call to let me know my consultant has a cancellation for Monday 10th June - would I want it? - you bet I would. Hospital is about an hour's drive away but I'm at the stage I would have accepted an appointment on the moon. Bit apprehensive mind you.


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Hope all goes well for you Maggie..x

Good luck Maggie,
I need both knees sorting due to too many parachute jumps, these things happen. Problem is they tell me there is a 5 to 7 week lay up period for each one, and as I am Mrs B's carer that could be difficult, I'm waiting for a response from Carer Support at the moment to see what they can offer us.
Good for you Maggie, hope all is well.
I've had both knees replaced - one in 2005 the other in 2014. Both were painless, the only downside is the recovery time - 6 - 8 weeks minimum. Only advice I would give is listen to the physios afterwards and make sure that you do the exercises every day once you get home. Best of luck.
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Baldric - hope you can get the assistance you will obviously need post op. Understand I won't be able to drive for 6/8 weeks which will be a pain. Maybe force me into doing more exercise! I live on my own but luckily have family quite close.
Thanks for your good wishes Patsy, marval and FBG40 (your comments have eased my mind a little).
Glad you have your date - I'm sure you'll do fine.

Best wishes x
I have had both knees replaced in last 3 years and new hip November 2018. Initially post op you will find the knee painful but work through the pain to get the best results, you must do the exercises don't give up on them. Follow the advice from the physio and you will be fine. Good luck.
//I need both knees sorting due to too many parachute jumps, //

Crikey Dave, I had a good few jumps in my youth but only nylon carpet burns on my knees. :-)

Thanks Maggie,
the girls are home evenings and weekends main shopping won't be a problem but Mrs B usually has at least 2 medical appointments a week, that's what we need assistance with, chatting with CA they sound like they can help, just waiting for confirmation.

Had a few of those in the past Retro ;o)
Had mine done 4 years ago, prior to the op I got around on crutches. I did have six cancellations whilst waiting for the op for nine months or so.
Definitely recommend it though .. I now walk in excess of ten miles every day ... have been kneeling on concrete for most of today. Absolutely no pain or niggles whatsoever .. good luck !
Did you have partial or total knee replacement alavahalf as I was told by consultant that you are not allowed to kneel with total replacement but can with partial.
It was a partial replacement ... so it was half a knee.
I have another condition which denotes that I cant bend or squat, so therefore I need to kneel where others would bend.
Ah partial, no worries then.
You will be fine Maggie I had mine done last year. Yes painful BUT every day gets easier. Please do as you are told and exercise your knee and you will have no problems. To get rid of the awful pain before op after is easy. Good luck will be thinking of you on the 10th

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