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diabetes.. ?

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charleyy ! | 16:03 Sun 11th Mar 2007 | Health & Fitness
3 Answers
my friend has recently noticed a few quite large lumps on her legs which hurt if she touches them. She went to her doctor and he said she may have diabetes but mentioned nothing else about it. I'm a diabetic myself and never noticed this kind of symptom before i was diagnosed.. any ideas ??


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Recurrent skin infections (such as boils) can be a symptom of diabetes. Raised blood sugar levels provide a perfect environment for bacteria to grow.
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thank you ! has been really helpful : )
i was told recently by my GP that diabetes can cause problems with hair folicles as i keep getting spots on my arms and legs which start of as little whiteheads

i also suffer various rashes and terrible dry itchy skin

i have all sorts for my bath

that is awful for your friend i hope she can get this sorted



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diabetes.. ?

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