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stool sample

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hotpink | 19:20 Fri 21st Sep 2007 | Health & Fitness
6 Answers
what are you mean to poo in? a tupperware box? hope you're not eating your tea, sorry!


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if the doc told you that you had to have a sample he or receptionist should have given you a pot type thing with a tiny shovel style thing to put the poo in, go back and ask for one, i think you can somethinmes get them from the chemist as well
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ok cheers, it's my husband actually, he's having lots of tests done. they were useless at the hospital, they just gave him a plastic bag type thing with the doctors notes attached to it... no pots or spoons!
go to his doctors and explain and they will probably give him one, hope everything is ok
You should be able to purchase the proper sample items from the chemist hotpink , I hope your husband will be ok :-)
Be prepared - it's the only way. Don't use any of those chemical toilet cleaners that hang in the bowl - you don't want the sample contaminated.

So, clean water in toilet pan. Put a layer of toilet paper on top of the water immediately before he is ready to collect the sample. This should keep at least enough of it out of the water to spoon some up in to the pot.

Sounds revolting, but not bad really. He only needs a little bit - not a pot full.
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they think he's got crohn's disease.... i'm glad its getting sorted though, the doctors haven't listened to him for 2 years:( thanks all for your help and concern x

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