Remission from cancer in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Remission from cancer

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oxymoron | 16:01 Fri 10th Sep 2010 | Health & Fitness
7 Answers
What does remission actually mean if you have had cancer treatment.Does it mean you have been cured but it might come back or that anyone who has had cancer is in remission. Thanks for any info.
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i think generally, anytime you do not have active cancer in the first 5 years after a diagnosis you are in remission, and after 5 years people say "cured" although obviously it could still come back
it means the cancer has gone away (either temporarily or permanently)
It means different things to different people.....to the medical profession it means that the cancer is not growing and the signs and symptoms of the cancer has disappeared.
thats what i was going to put bednobs
how are you by the way?
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hi bednobs you mentioned active cancer does that mean even after an op and radiotherapy and 5 years of hormone therapy it is only then that you can say you don`t have cancer anymore.
oxymoron....I stand to be corrected but I think that bednobs is referring to survival rates which have nothing to do with the definition of "remission" which is not time related.

If after treatment or indeed less commonly without treatment, you cancer hasn´t grown any larger and you are symptom free.....then you are said to be in remission. The cancerous lump mat still be present clinically or evident on X-Ray, providing it isnt getting any bigger, then you are in remission.

From your story, I gather that you have had a lump removed from your breast followed by Radiotherapy and if the lump has not returned, chest X-Ray and body scan is normal........then you are in "remission"
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Thanks squad Just picked up your last post and the info. has helped.
oxy...no problem

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Remission from cancer

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