I went to bed at 23.30hrs and had to get up again because of the damn Sciatica throbbing in my right leg is driving me nuts. Any instant cures out there?
To my late-night helpers....Update...Finally got to sleep at about 4am and awoke at 7am for my regular tablets, and went back to sleep till 10am, so all systems are go again. Still flippin hurts tho.
My sciatica was so bad I couldn't walk less than a mile back from work, wanted to sit on the pavement and cry! I bought a very powerful magnetic bracelet (just plain, stainless steel, can't remember company name) and it works brilliantly. Could you try one of those?
Anne, I`ve tried hot water bottles, and heat gels, and ice packs of peas, nothing works.
Wheaten: Never heard of them, only the copper type and they don`t work either.
"A 2009 review in this area suggests that eletrotherapy, including TENS, "are best avoided" in patients with pacemakers or implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs). They add that "there is no consensus and it may be possible to safely deliver these modalities in a proper setting with device and patient monitoring".
It may be worth your enquiring as to whether you fit into a definite "No" group or not.
I endured years of sciatic pain but did get significant relief with the TENS machine.
Anne, a doctor came to visit me on Monday, and I asked if it was sciatica or, was my prostate cancer causing the pain, she, being an Indian GP said she would have words with another GP back at the surgery, and I haven`t heard any news since then from them, but I have had sciatica before and this pain feels the same.