aparently so, if you want pieces of cotton hanging off your skin. A doctor may freeze them off for you with liquid nitrogen (though I doubt that they rank as very high-priority these days).
yes its true.
My sister had a wart on her top eye lid throughout her teens, and when she got married, her husband carefully and tightly tied cotton round it and after a week (?) the wart fell off. No problem at all
The idea of the cotton nq is to stop the blood supply getting to it, it will die & drop off, I suppose it all depends how big it is how long it takes.
If you've got some cat-gut thats best thats what our Doc used on several my H had on his back.
OK if you don't like the idea of a razor there are loads of ideas on my link much better than walking round with a piece of string hanging down. Vit E cream, Tea Tree Oil, Duct tape, take your pick.