Hi, just thought I'd chime in here. I was on the pill for years, from an early age as I have always had extremely heavy periods and it was used to regulate them and to help prevent cramps. I started on cileste, after a couple of years I did find that I forgot quite often to take, which when I was younger wasn't a problem, but as I got older it was a concern for obvious reasons, so I decided to try the injection (depo-provera) because it lasts 2-3 months. BIG mistake, my mood swings were terrible, I never really belived any of the side effects of contraceptives before but I was like a different person, for 2 months I cried every single day and I was covered in spots, literally my entire back was filled with hundreds of spots (never really had spots) as soon as it wore off I looked at other options, I wasn't comfortable with the idea of the coil or implant (personal choice) so went back to the pill, cileste, this gave me similar mood swing issues so they changed me to one called yasmine and I would not change back now, no cramps, regular periods (3 days tops of light bleeding) and no mood swings/weight gain/depression. Definately speak to your nurse and talk through all the options :)