Crosswords1 min ago
26 Answers
I need to get contraception sorted out but it's been a while and I'm unsure of my options. I've previously only ever taken the pill, but can't remember what it was called. I do know I took it constantly and never had the 7 day break.
I'm not overly keen to start taking pills again as I worry about the side effects they could have. However, I would like a contraception that would stop my periods altogether as I do suffer quite badly with cramps. Is there such a thing or do you only get this with certain pills?
I absolutely hate talking about stuff like this but would much prefer to have this discussion with a faceless Aber than my doctor, so all help and advice is greatly appreciated :-)
I'm not overly keen to start taking pills again as I worry about the side effects they could have. However, I would like a contraception that would stop my periods altogether as I do suffer quite badly with cramps. Is there such a thing or do you only get this with certain pills?
I absolutely hate talking about stuff like this but would much prefer to have this discussion with a faceless Aber than my doctor, so all help and advice is greatly appreciated :-)
\\\Just read it can cause a decreased sex drive. Wonder if they do a male version!\\\ The's called flannel pyjamas....
10:34 Tue 29th Jan 2013
Its been a while since I needed any.
Anyway a few websites to browse to start you off
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?cli ent=saf ari& ;rls=en &q= contrac eptive+ choices +UK& ;ie=UTF -8& oe=UTF- 8&r edir_es c=& ei=6a0H UcaqNYS a0QX_iI FY
and a forum...probably best not to click on this one if you are of a sensitive disposition and male lol
http:// www.sof eminine forum/s how1_f8 3_1/sex /contra ception .html
Anyway a few websites to browse to start you off
and a forum...probably best not to click on this one if you are of a sensitive disposition and male lol
Right. I've read up quite a bit on this merina coil and it appears the side effects are extremely common. They include weight gain (4st in one case!) and depression. As I have had mental health problems in the past I am a bit anxious about that one so I think I would need to speak to my GP or nurse about that. Will regards to the pill and my reasons for not wanting to take it, I just worry about taking anything for such a long period of time and the links to things like breast cancer which my family has a strong history of.