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Two Day Diet ?

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anneasquith | 09:11 Sun 21st Apr 2013 | Body & Soul
52 Answers
two day diet, saw this in daily mail ? any information abers TIA ?


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oj..........;-)............that I am afraid is the bottom line.......
I've done it and lost about 8lbs in 2 months. I was strict on the 2 days, and completely rubbish on the other 5! I'll be back on it when I'm feeling better. my friend is doing it now, and you can see the weight loss.

it really is about more than just losing weight, it makes your body work on repairing damaged cells, amongst other benefits.
Thanks oj and sqad - what about incentive? I'll give it a go - I need to. My working week is now spilling over into my weekends, I need a plan I can stick to which accommodates my current lifestyle too. If it helps me to lose half a stone to start with, I'll be happy.
Thanks jj, that's the sort of incentive which helps!
Having not read it, i can't be too detailed in my comments, save to say that IMO weight loss is down to a long term using more energy than you take in. Even if you took none in for 2 days, if you stuffed yourself silly on the other 5 you wouldn't tip the balance into weight loss. I'd be wary of it. I'd suspect it would be difficult to keep to as well, since you are not learning a healthy daily eating habit that you can live with, so what enthusiasm do you have when reaching a low calorie day ?
seriously Boxy........... again?!!!!!
I'll let you know!
I meant calling me jj

*rolls eyes*
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jj,,,,,,,,,,i was confused :)
I know several people who are on this and it works. I think the idea is that by only eating 600 calories/day 2 days a week on non consecutive days your metabolism doesn't drop because you are upping your intake again next day. And no it doesn't mean gorging yourself on the other 5 days, just eat sensibly. It's workable and easy to live with so my friends tell me and promotes a steady weight loss of between 1-2lb weekly. Try it, it works.
I thought the 2 days had to be consecutive?
sara, I am having serious problems with memory, lol - apologies, how could I do it again to you?!!!
ladybirder: 600 calories a day! easy to live with? For the rest of your life? really!!

I couldn't do that, I much prefer my way of just eating a sensible low calorie diet, I never go hungry, if I am hungry I eat, I'm just sensible with it.
Yes I do realise that its only 2 days a week, I wouldn't want to do that! It wouldn't work for me.
If I cut out drinks I could do it easily.
Ummmm I've just looked it up and it seems to be personal choice, consecutive days or not and apparently the results in trials were the same whichever people chose.
RATTER, you're happy with yours and it's working for you so that's great. you obviously have the willpower. But not all people can do that as is the case with the people I'm talking about, but 2 days a week they can manage knowing they can eat sensibly the next day. That's what they tell me anyway, it's not me that's doing it.
This diet is looking more and more tempting. Sometimes when I've pigged out I tend to eat very little the following couple of days. Obviously, I'd have to curb the unhealthy pigging out bit on the days before the 600 cal days!
a little word of warning.. you may well get headaches the first few times you do it but that will stop. drink plenty of water/boring teas, and I treated myself to a dull boiled sweet occasionally. whoopee.
Oh, I'm not saying it doesn't work, but not long term - and I have no blinkers on about that
You cannot keep up a fad diet for life, and this is what this 2 day thing is, a fad - blinkers not here either, it's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the full fat truth
But you can keep up a while change of the way you think about food alongside a sensible eating plan, which this is not
How many experts do you need to tell you that fad dieting does not sustain a life long weight loss? You know that within months of stopping a fad diet you will have regained what you lost unless you can maintain sensible eating
But how will you know what sensible eating plan can hep you maintain your weight at a sensible level if all you know is faddy eating plans?

I repeat, you do not need to waste £5 on a book to tell you all of this
Google will give you all the information you need to know about calorie info, if that's what you choose, but I have lost 3 stone without counting a single calorie and without weight a single item of food
I get headaches anyway, sara, so that's nothing new :-)

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