I gave birth to my little boy 16 days ago and ever since I have had issues with my tongue! It almost feels like after the dentisr has injected, a kind of numbness/feels too big for mouth and i am struggling to talk and my teeth feel on edge too. Is this normal after an epidural?
No this is not common - see GP and it may be sensible if they think one of the nerves have been damaged to go back to the anaesthetic department of the maternity hospital where you had your little baby.
If there is any question of injury post epidural they will want to see you anyway - but you or your GP may have to tell them they want to see you.
Did you bite it? Congratulations, anyway. I've never heard of that as a side-effect either, although it can cause headaches for a few weeks after. Are there any other symptoms, and have you mentioned it to the health visitor?