I went to empty my indoor food bin into the outdoor food bin and as I was doing so a maggot fell out!!! I've tried washing the bin out with disinfectant as suggested and spraying fly killer into it but the flies still seem to lay their eggs in MY BIN! AArrgghh
Does anyone else have this problem? How do you deal with it?
Yes. It is disgusting! Do you have an inside grey food bin and outside brown one? The brown ones do lock. Can only suggest keeping them always very tightly shut and tying the bags as tightly as possible.
I had this problem too. The only thing you can do is empty the bin a lot more regularly which seems to deal with it. As for dealing with the maggots I normally just give them to the chickens. (Although boiling hot water works well for those without chickens).
I had this horrible experience last week. It wasnt A maggot, it was loads of them all falling on my kitchen floor. Double wrapped em and consigned it to outside bin. Threw small bin outside in the rain.
OMG Grasscarp, that's gross! I'm sure there were loads more where my maggot came from but I wasn't prepared to investigate! Luckily, I was emptying the bin out in my front garden.
Lol, BM. Maggots and the word yumm will never ever ever go in my vocabulary.
I knew a bloke who, when released from prison the only job he could get was on a maggot farm. His Mother would not allow him in the house until he got washed and changed in the garden shed. Then he had to shower as well. The smell was horrendous. Once he had a job he found it easier to get another one. She wouldn't put his clothes in the washing machine either.