Hi another question from me thank god for this site, ok I am 60 years old female and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes over a year ago that's being treated by diet only right now_- recently in the evenings I have noticed that the palms of my hands are very red in colour and itchy I haven't been duly concerned as by the following morning all's well. Now I am finding these past few days and today my palms are red and hot I am at a loss I don't know if this is related to my diabetics , any help would be appreciated thank you.
If you are an eczema sufferer it could be that. I suffer with eczema but if i get stressed it develops into Pompholyx which is an extreme form of eczema. This gives me a burning sensation on my palms and the sides of my fingers. The skin is sore and itchy. it blisters and then over the next few days peels off. A strong steroid cream from the doctors helps to clear it up. Not sure if this helps you at all.