It is probably worth contemplating the results, or in fact actually even just the questions, as they are suggestive of how one can do better. But there appears to me to be an underlying aim to induce a (fear) demand for a service/product being sold by the authors of the test - you end up inevitably incurring an add-on to your chronological age, just a question of how many years. So everyone is old beyond their years which is just another way of saying they are not in peak shape. I would like to see another test asking various questions about how much you worry about tests/results such as these; how concerned you are about: your clothing vis-a-vis the latest fashion; what is the latest mobile phone or other gadget trend; whether you have the right breed or number of dogs; to what extent you get worked up about some tabloid headline shout; etc., etc. and what that means not just to one's state of mind but also life expectancy.