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phleb | 19:59 Wed 02nd Sep 2015 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
My brother had a heart attack last year and for the last few days he was complaining of right arm pain, and feeling cold. Is this to do with the heart, and does this mean he has had another heart attack. I haven't seen him, but i am worried.


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doen't heart attack make left arm pain?
Heart pain usually affects the left arm but it can affect both arms. It might be worth getting it checked out.
BTW - the "cold and clammy" tends to occur while the person is actually having the heart attack. I wouldn`t worry too much about that but given his history, getting checked out wouldn`t hurt
"right arm pain"

When does this manifest itself...all the time, when he makes certain movements of his arm or when he walks or moves?
How long does the pain last, if it is a matter of a minute or two and then goes away on it's own or relieved by rest, then that would be significant.
The nature and character of the pain is all important.
Cardiac pain radiating down the left arm is not as common as people think and certainly pain radiating down the right arm from the heart is very uncommon.

If he is taking beta blockers (e.g Bisoprolol) then it is extremely common to "feel cold".

From where I am sitting there is nothing to worry about, but if HE is worried, then get it checked.
Hope all is well with your brother Phleb, I know how you must be worried. My OH had a heart attack 10 years ago and I still worry (unneccesarily) about his occasional twinges and temperature changes etc!
Please advise him to just have a check up.
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Aww thank you all for your kind words and brilliant advice. He was under stress and is an alcoholic now aswell, im not surprised he is feeling like he is. His meds have been changed for now and will be under observation x
hope things are fine with you phleb xx
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All good so far thanks xx
:-) xx
keep it going phleb and folk are here to answer your questions......
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Thank you xx

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