I had a replacement right hip operation just over 6 weeks ago and was using elbow crutches. After a few days my hands began to hurt although I had put padding on the handles. I was obviously putting too much weight on the crutches. After 2 weeks I stopped using the right crutch as my hand was so painful and I thought my hand would return to normal. I cannot feel my little finger or the one next to it on both hands (right hand is worst) but if I touch the fingertips I get what feels like an electric shock. I can't lift or grip anything. I mentioned this to the consultant who said it seemed like nerve damage and would eventually get better. I saw my GP who gave me Movelat gel to rub in, that has had no effect whatsoever. Any suggestions?
Thanks Sqad, just wanted some reassurance really. What sort of time scale am I looking at do you think bearing in mind I stopped using the right hand crutch 4 weeks ago, and if anything it has got worse not better?