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nailit | 22:32 Sat 26th Dec 2015 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
new years resolution that you've actually kept to?
At the start of this year I resolved to kick smoking which Ive done.
It only took me about 30 years of trying...


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Yes I actually did give up smoking 40/60 a day in 1985 and have never smoked since. It was sheer willpower and no gadgets.
I made a new year's resolution many years ago that I've never had any problems sticking to: it was to stop making new years' resolutions ;-)
Well done!
I'm in Chris' club
I haven't smoked now for 9 weeks! Cóuldnt have ever done that without E cigs.
Or making a New Years promise to myself. Feel quite proud of myself at last.
So am I.

But well done, nailit.
Well done to you to, pusskin and our Ibiza Ed, netibiza.
Thanks Tony! My boys and Mr P are happy too knowing I,ve done it at last.
Nailit, well done and isñt it great to actually stop smoking and not being tied to the blooming habit. It's took me yrs to stop , just like you.
I'm on to my eighth ciggie free week after 32 years, too. I have the help of ecigs though but, still feel proud of myself
And so you should, chrissa. Well done.
Chrissi, snap! I wonder how many of us on here have stopped smoking, before N. Yrs Eve.
One son stopped two yrs ago. Another stopped smoking three weeks ago, all with the help of E cigs. Fantastic.
I have never ever made a new years resolution.
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//and isñt it great to actually stop smoking and not being tied to the blooming habit.//
it does feel good after years of addiction.
My chesty cough has completely gone. Something that truly, truly amazed me. When I say it has gone, it went within a couple of days of stopping. I never would have believed it.
I often make resolutions on New Years Eve but I forget about themon New Years Day. I have a braon like a sieve.
When I rang my sister on Xmas day and mentioned me not smoking, she said......
Yes, that's no surprise to me , you don't sound so husky! And I wasn't a heavy smoker.
I never seem to cough now....brilliant .
I decided to loose weight at the beginning of the year and have lost 3 stone, very proud of myself.
Fantastin Millie, bet that's made your day!

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