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Are We Ever Going To Get Away From Gay Tv

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FrillyPancake | 22:06 Fri 30th Jun 2017 | Body & Soul
198 Answers
Sorry guys. Am quite traditional, but I accept everyone I do. As they are whatever they are they are whatever WE are.


Why is TV full of non heterosexuals. Mainly gay people these days.

Is it only me that feels this?

Well me and my husband that is?

Why is hetrosexuallness not being celebrated the same way it's like tables have turned big time?

Just my opinion....


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// @ummmm......I am able to appreciate that folk are not obliged to give truthful answers in AB.//

I think they should be obliged to ( morally )

a jez ( yup Jesuit - Jay ) once said
"lying doesnt have to be a sin against God" ( St Thomas Aquinas)
" if you say 'look it is raining outside!' and the other one says "no it isnt!" then it is difficult to have a meaningful conversation."

and so it so often occurs on AB ! [including the merciless ridicule from myself on howking inconsistencies.] "Don't read any of this!" a regular attender on AB springs to mind.

Jim360 who has not yet made a post
will instantly recognise that if a system allows statement A and also not A - then everything becomes true - B. notB, C, not C, etc

[ that comment was on the amusing inconsistencies that occur every day on AB, not even starting on the outright lies ]
I mean...what right has Hans got to demand truths or proof of truths on a Q&A site full of strangers.

He's been suspended previously for hounding someone for proof of their credentials.
Homosexuality is 'traditional'. It has existed as long as mankind has, and there is homosexuality in the animal kingdom.
The only unnatural thing about it is making it illegal.
cloverjo; //Can you give examples, khandro? Just out of interest.//

There's a few on here, but it is "out of interest" not a witch-hunt;
Well frilly, going back to your OP, you only think that way because you were part of the generation who made it difficult to come 'out'. So well done for making a lot of people's lives a misery. Fortunately the majority of people,don't think like you and have a more balanced view of the world.
My friend's son is Gay, he or his wife can not except it, I'm his Godfather, does it bother me? not in the least, but the person is a bit over the top a bit like Shaun in Corrie but a grand lad.
Im sorry Frilly but you talk nonsense!
I dont watch a lot of TV admittedly but I really cant say that I have seen a lot of gay tv. You most likely notice it more due to your narrow little mind!!
Ratter - If Frilly watches the soaps I think most of them have a gay story line. If you're not narrow minded you'd see it just like any other story line.

At the moment in EastEnders they are dealing with attitudes of the past.
Frilly what would you like to see done about it? Would you like all/most/some gay actors/actresses to be sacked so you don't have to see them? If not, what do you suggest?
@ummmm......I shall completely disregard your unfair and spiteful comments, which aren't totally accurate.

However, as you feel it's alright to avoid the truth on AB, how is anyone to know that you are being honest when you say anything.!!??

Frilly, as you suspect your son is gay you should be thankful that tv shows him that he is not the only one; that gay people lead much the same lives as everyone else; that gay people can be successful in whatever career they choose; that gay people are accepted in the community; that gay people aren't different - some are lovely, some not.

Or would you prefer him to be full of self loathing and confusion, fearful for the future?
Graham Norton is gay ,? Well I never knew that -)
Oh heaven's, Anne!...Why d'you think he grew the beard? ;-)

Looks good too......x
Hans - you don't know who is being honest or not but you have no right whatsoever to demand proof from people. Why on earth should people have to offer up proof to you? If you don't believe them then don't answer the question...

And I am accurate, you got suspended for hounding Sqad...fact!
It all makes sense now !!!!! I notice Stephen Fry has no beard ?
anne, Fry is a very clever chap and could see years ago that the best jobs in tv were reserved for gay men so of course he pretended to be gay. Sadly, his lack of beard gives the game away :(
Not yet, Anne....he probably hasn't read Hans' post.......x
Hc..... :-))....x
I have a five day stubble ... am I just a bit gayish?
With a name like Sunny Dave how can you be anything but?

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