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Are We Ever Going To Get Away From Gay Tv

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FrillyPancake | 21:06 Fri 30th Jun 2017 | Body & Soul
198 Answers
Sorry guys. Am quite traditional, but I accept everyone I do. As they are whatever they are they are whatever WE are.


Why is TV full of non heterosexuals. Mainly gay people these days.

Is it only me that feels this?

Well me and my husband that is?

Why is hetrosexuallness not being celebrated the same way it's like tables have turned big time?

Just my opinion....


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And now we have Islam introduced!! Jesus wept.
Seems like ITV have made a start, by edited out Paul Sinha talking about being gay on The Chase.
This is the book, ummmmm

Unlike you, AOG, I do not consider any human being of any colour, religion, nationality, sexual orientation to belong to a separate or different species to me.
Aog- 11:59- it depends what you're criticising them for. They aren't homogenous groups.

/// And now we have Islam introduced!! ///

It is you who has pointed out one specific 'protected species' among all those others, so don't blame me.
Cheers, hc, added to my basket.
What are you on about, AOG?

Neither do I, I just pointed out that they are protected.
The law protects me and you and everyone, AOG.
/// it depends what you're criticising them for. ///

It matters not, one has only got to make a comment about them and some on here go bananas, this thread is a typical example.

FrillyPancake has made a perfectly harmless comment, even apologising from the beginning, but that has not stopped her from being abused and bulled by the usual suspects.

A Bigoted homophobic as been used to describe her, which is completely unacceptable in the circumstances.
/// The law protects me and you and everyone, AOG. ///

Some are protected more than others, just look how slow the police were to act in the Northern Child grooming cases, just in case they were deemed racist.
And now we have Islam introduced!! Jesus wept.

Surely you mean Muhammad wept?

Jealous AOG that someone is sharing your nickname?
I have said it before and it may be time to say it again. "The love that dare not speak it's name" has morphed into the one that won't shut up.
Care to elaborate, Togo?
Haven't read the whole thread but if you have a talent and and your brand of entertainment proves a winning formula with viewers, it's all good! An entertainers sexuality shouldn't have any bearing.

Which shows are you referring to Frilly and why would the sexuality of the host, actor etc., detract from your enjoyment?
AOG - Just because I read things here that sadden and disillusion me doesn't mean I will abandon the site that is on the whole interesting,varied,lively and full of caring,compassionate fascinating people.

To be fair though there were 7 homosexuals in Emmerdale not long ago ... Out of a village of 12 I think that was a bit much.
That's so sad!

That you know that - watch Emmerdale often?
Amos is gay????

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