Insomnia in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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nailit | 22:01 Wed 08th Nov 2017 | Body & Soul
47 Answers
for the last few years ive suffered from insomnia, I can go for days without sleep. As some on here know I
was recently in a psych hospital, I was given sleepers while in there and was awake again within 2 hours until they doubled my dose. But back to square one. My GP wont prescribe anymore, what the hell am I supposed to do?
Done the Kalms, chomile tea and the sleep hygeinge thing.


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I think so, Patsy. He feels it helps.
I've read that even a switched on mobile phone can interfere with sleep. The more you worry about it - the less you'll sleep.. You get into patterns. Eventually, it will break.
Thanks Cloverjo. I'll pass that on and might try it myself!
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Flipping eck Smow, thought id got a problem?
Patsy, a weekend in Blackpool would do me!
I'm sleeping so much better since I gave up drinking.
Do you do much exercise?
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ummmm, I dont do much exercise apart from a bit of walking and a bit of cycling, no more or less than most...
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Actually, 20 years ago I was a bit of a weight lifter but I had the same problem then.
I used Nightall (not sure of spelling, long time ago)
You can or could buy it over the counter at chemists.
It worked very well for me, I was also an insomniac.
I slept beautifully with it for years.
BUT! When I went to chemist to get my blood pressure pills and buys some Nightall at the same time.
Pharmacist told me because I was using Nightall that was why my BP was so high so I had to stop taking them.
Nailit me and others have advised you more than once to try Melatonin. You have never acknowledged my suggestion so have no idea if you've tried them or not?? They work for most but not all people I have recommended to try them. Here you go.


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Nightall, cure one problem, cause another eh caren?
*** law
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Ladybirder, sorry, have to admit, ive not tried that, thank you for link :-)
nailit - think caran means nytol which is the same as kalms.
Melatonin can make depression and anxiety worse- and there are a lot of medications you need to be careful with if you take it. I would see GP first. My niece was given them for ADHD and they gave her panic attacks.
I think Nytol is what Caran is talking about. OH uses it, but I can't buy it at the same time as Night Nurse which he also uses. I have to go to two different pharmacies.

The best sleep remedy I've found is in America. It's sold over the counter. The brand name is Unisom, and there are other generic versions. We stock up when we go to the US and ask friends and family to buy us loads when they go.
This is what is so frustrating about mental health care here. You've been diagnosed with depression, treated- which has worked really well and because of the side effects of that one, they seem to have given up with it. Now you are having to look for temporary solutions to some of the symptoms. They need to treat the underlying cause first and properly. I was fobbed off like that for a long time too. All that will happen otherwise is that you will end up exactly where you were a few months ago again... please go back and talk to them x
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Pix, Ive said for years that my sleep deprivation is a major cause of my 'episodes' but mental health workers always seem to know better...
Bonkers, the lot of them, never listen, always know better etc.
When I was in the funny farm I didn't sleep for the first week despite been on sleeping tabs and other meds that had a sedative effect. Somehow it was my negative thinking or some other psychobabble that they came up with. Cobblers, I cant sleep. So I end up drinking just to get some relief from exhaustion.
My mother in law could never sleep. She was diagnosed with bipolar. It's one of the main symptoms.
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Begs the question patsy, is it a *symptom* or a *cause*?
When I sleep, I'm fine. When I don't I'm classed as been depressive, personality disorder, addictive personality etc (take ur pick..whatever shrink you get has a different take on it).
The fact is I DONT SLEEP and it affects me
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Having said that I'm off to bed now because I'm cream crackered, Probably be up again about 3.

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