For ages now whenever I brush my hair there is quite a lot on the brush afterwards, but this week it’s got drastically worse. It’s not coming out in solid clumps, but generally all over. For the very first time today I showered and as I washed my hair and put it into two plaits afterwards I was aware that each plait was much thinner than just last week. My hair is shoulder length. Is there anything I can take to help, before I end up bald!?
Try kelp tablets, they give you dreadful wind though. Minoxidil shampoo might work there is a ladies version available now. Is it shedding at the roots or breaking low on the shaft. If it's breakage you might as well get it cut short.
I had this a couple of years ago and found it devastating, I scoured the internet and reasons were many and inconclusive - stress, hormones, illness. I tried some products that were ineffective but if it's any consolation it all grew back for no obvious reason - at the time I was nervous every time I washed my hair as I assessed the fall-out. If really concerned you could go to GP and ask to be referred to a trichologist.
i have the same problem Smowball and a recent blood test showed my vitamin d level was only 15.I am now in my 9th week of a high dose to get my levels up and i can see an improvement so maybe worth you getting yours checked out.
Try using Plantar 39 shampoo. It is a shampoo specially designed for people with thinning hair and it is really good. My friend was going bald in places due to stress and she started using it. A few weeks of washing her hair with it and it was looking really good, her hair was starting to get a bit thicker and there was less coming out on the hairbrush. It's not expensive and might be worth a try for you