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Virus Or What?

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genie123 | 19:29 Sat 30th Nov 2019 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
I had my flu jab some time ago. Last Sunday I fell unwell with headache, temperature, tirednes, loss of appetite, aches and pains and just generally poorly I started to feel better on Thursday but today I have some of the symptoms back again. Headache, tiredness, still no appetite. Could this be the same thing whatever that was? Thanks


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Sounds virus like, sometimes they abate then have another go - try to eat light meals and keep well hydrated.
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Thanks Mamyalynnne.
and keep warm and REST seriously properly rest. That and hydration are the two keys to seeing off a virus.
Hydration is the thing. Try to drink a pint of water every waking hour.
Yes, it could and is probably the most common diagnosis with the information that you have given.
It could be due to other things, though much less common.
I agree with the advice given above concerning hydration, but would also like to add the administration of Ibuprofen 400mgs every six hours.
Assess you clinical condition on Monday.
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Thanks everyone will take notice of all, especially the hydration.
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Still feeling under the weather today so had an appointment with GP.
She was very thorough but could find nothing obvious. Because I am a carer for my husband, she suggested that I had not had time enough rest properly and that as you get older it takes longer to recover. If I'm not feeling bettter in a couple of weeks she will order some blood tests. Thought I would just let you know.
Thank you for letting us know, it's hard to get rest when you are caring.x
Thanks for the feedback............good advice from your GP.
Its difficult to rest properly in your situation as a carer. Just try and rest, eat and drink plenty of fluids as best you can, when you can. Hope you feel better soon. x

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