Imao? whats that mean I-tried in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Imao? whats that mean I-tried

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suzi-q | 14:45 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I keep seeing Imao in your answers- whats it mean? Sorry if a dim question.
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laugh my ar*e off
Question Author
Oh - well glad I asked coz I'd never av worked it out. Are there any other abbrevs I should know about?

This may help for future


roflmao - rolling on floor lmao --> my personal favorite.

And one that I have just learned recently WUASTC, take a moment and try to figure it out.

Alright, that's long enough - wake up and smell the coffee.

I didn't make it up. I just saw it in here somewhere, written by someone, the other day. Don't kill the messenger.
tic - tounge in cheek
rofl - roll on floor laughing
pmsl - er.. peeing myself laughing
lol - laugh out loud

If you go to


Type in web abbreviations and search. You will be given a group of sites with this strange language that still baffles me.
I hope that helps, but I'm new to all this myself and wouldn't be surprised if I've given you the wrong address. Let me know if I have. Take care!!


Hope u neva thought LMAO was sleazy :P hehehe xxx

Mr T"a crazy fool"

People should type most words out properly unless they are common abbreviations. This is not a phone. You have plenty of space and a full keyboard. Swear words are different but the rest is confusing for others. Still each to their own.
i have heard it is ' in my arrogant opinion'
All mi m8z say tht imao means : its mi absence onsest " but i dont think it is i wish some1 would tell me though coz its reli annoying!
imao means "in my arrogant oppion"

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