For the past few days Ive had a 'strangling' sensation lower right side. Painful to press on and seems to spread across my abdomen, below belly button. Hurts slightly when walking. My job involves lifting heavy crates all day long (between 20-30 kg), havnt been able to do it. Appetite not what it was, slight constipation. No nausea, vomiting or anything indicating appendicitus.
Will try to get in to see my GP in the morning (wish me luck with that) but in the meantime any idea what it could be? I feel fine now that Im home and relaxed but work has been exhausting trying to cope with the sensation that my insides are 'tangled'...
Taken no Ibuprofen but have monitered the situation...and it still hurts!
(wish Sqad was about)
//Swollen all over?//
Think so.
Im overweight and all my weight goes around my belly. But my abdomen feels hard to me now and my trousers seem to have shrunk in the last few days...
I would see doctor as if it is a hernia it could be twisted. Could also be muscle strain. If it gets any worse before morning a visit to A and E would be advisable just in case