@08.40 this morning, you said to Naomi.../"You only have ask, you should know I only refer to jw.org
Nothing is secret, its all there for everyone to refer to whether a JW or not. But the fact is, its all true! "/
I refer therefore to your thread ..../How Long Will God Let Mankind Mock Him Before He Takes Action?/
It was my opinion ....."Your Religion gives false information and frightens folk into beliefs which prove to be untrue."....However, as a JW you contended that...."we only believe and say what the Bible says and then you can't go long simple"
Your thread then terminated after I had drawn your attention to :-
The final posting in the thread from me asking ..."Goodlife......If you and all Jehovah Witnesses only believe what it says in the Bible about the end of the world, why does the Watchtower print falsehoods.?
If you are able, perhaps you will now reply accordingly in this your current thread.