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Is It Ok To Shower Twice And Week?

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drobi619 | 20:55 Tue 22nd Nov 2022 | Body & Soul
77 Answers
I am thinking of moving to a washing hair only on Wednesday and Saturday.


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You only do your hair in the shower ?
Is It Ok To Shower Twice And Week?
Depends on how much moving around you do and how sweaty you get. also whether your meeting others often.

washing hair only on Wednesday and Saturday?
Twice a week is more than enough for most.... some people like Gary Barlow never wash theres- its self cleaning apparantly

the same is probably true for Prince Andrew given that he never perspires.....
Strip wash at the sink and a shower twice a week is fine unless you exercise a lot or your job is physical hard work.
no its not ok, one needs to shower every day. i wash my hair twice a week, more strips the hair of it's natural oils.
twice a month is perfectly adequate
there must be a lot of stinky people out there if they only shower twice a month.
Unless you have a particularly sweaty job or pastime body odour is not a problem for most people. Others can shower daily & still stink to high heaven. (I've worked next to some of them!)
i shower once a day, and feel that is enough to be clean. I have also worked with people who's hygiene left a lot to be desired, though i wouldn't have asked them if they showered once a day.........
PS - there are only 2 areas of you body with scent glands - your pits & your bits!
all the more reason to shower regularly. once a day is enough.
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As Nelson Muntz would say "Smell ya later!".
if one is going out for the evening to someplace nice, a restaurant or theatre would you don clothes without having had a shower....i know i wouldn't.
that's what I mean - twice a month!
so you only go out twice a month, what about work...
I didn't think you would use 4-letter words emmie!
Guess I'm just a "dirty old man" - but no one's ever said it.
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we were taught to be clean and that means a bath or shower every day.

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