Motoring0 min ago
Shoulder Replacement
6 Answers
Hello has anybody on here had a shoulder replacement. I have been told i need one and would just like to hear from someone who knows. Thank you
I can't help you much but my mother had her left shoulder replaced about 20 years ago. It was relatively successful, no pain but she was left with some restriction of movement. From what I can remember, she couldn't raise her arm above shoulder height.
18:32 Tue 13th Dec 2022
There are plenty of 'my shoulder replacement experience' posts online but they're nearly all on the websites of American hospitals who're touting for patients' business. This one though is more honest and, I think, well worth a read:
https:/ / thritis -health .com/bl og/chal lenges- recover ing-sho ulder-r eplacem ent
This patient guidance document, from the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, might also be of value to you in your quest for information on the subject:
https:/ / h.nhs.u k/patie nt-info rmation /should ers/35- 217-tot al-shou lder-re placeme ntv2/fi le
This patient guidance document, from the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, might also be of value to you in your quest for information on the subject: