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Rondy | 15:31 Thu 10th Aug 2023 | Jokes
9 Answers
I went to the doctors about my blocked ear.
He said, "What ear is it?"
I said, "Two thousand and twenty three."
I was addicted to Nesquik for 10 years then decided to go cold turkey.
Haven't had the shakes for over a week now!
My friend was shocked when I told him I don’t know what the word “apocalypse” means.
I said “Relax. It’s not the end of the world.”
A lorry carrying carrots, turnips and parsnips has spilled its load on the A46
Police are advising travellers to use alternative roots.


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Think I'd make soup with the last one.
Boring, not at all funny
Well, they amused me.
But he's right.
Rondy posts the worst jokes, if you can even call them that.
Waste of space & air time.
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Some people have got being grumpy off to a fine art. Carry on the good work, Rondy:-)
Your jokes brighten up my days, Rondy! :-))
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