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12 Hour Faint?

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DDIL | 08:06 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
26 Answers

Good Morning,

Is it possible to have a 12 hour faint?

If an ambulance was called because of a 12 hour faint would they take you to hospital?

My thoughts are if you have a 12 hour 'faint' then concussion must be considered especially in someone of the older generation.

A neighbour told me this morning that she fainted, came too 12 hours later and used her 'call' watch to call for help, they sent an ambulance who diagnosed a UTI and said there was no need for a trip to the hospital.

From my experience even a unexplained short faint results in a hospital trip.

Thank you for your time.



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A faint doesn't last 12 hours.  12 your loss of consciousness can be a number of other things though including a) mini stroke or TIAB) normal faint plus head injury caused by inpact (would need to be pretty severe for concussion to cause loss of consciousness for that long)easy to eliminate does any part of head feel sore.C) silent infarct... Painless heart...
09:56 Mon 19th Aug 2024

Oh and no, a faint does not always result in a hospital trip.  My grandmother fell a number of times - some were trips and some were unexplained.  The paramedics will have checked just about everything and concluded no trip to hospital was necessary.  (In all fairness, that is probably a good decision for your neighbour because the last time my grandmother was admitted to hospital she was on a trolley in a corridor for a very long time.)  I think the devil here is the UTI.

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Thank you Barmaid for your help.

I don't think anyone who's out of it for 12 hours has fainted.  There's more to it than that.   I used to faint a lot and never once was I carted off to hospital.  I eventually went to my GP who sent me for tests.

My late Mum, when well into her 90s, used to suffer from UTI occasionally, but in her case it was the antibiotics which sent her temporarily delusional.

I think Barmaid may have hit on the actual situation,  elderly people  especially when confused can muddle time , not making the connection between  clock time and day, night light and dark... Even 15 minutes is long for a faint, but far more likely than 12 hours

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Good afternoon Rowan,

I have spoken to her again and she is adamant that she went to the bathroom at 2am and woke up on the floor at 1445 when she pressed her watch alarm for help.

She has tried to see her dr but they say there is no need, take the antibiotics and come back next week if still in discomfort.

I can honestly say that every time i have fainted I have been taken to hospital.  I don't know if they consider it a risk because I may have hit my head?

I do appreciate your responses.


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