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I Can't Go To Bed....

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barry1010 | 12:39 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

Unless the kitchen is tidy.  If there were a mountain of washing up to face I wouldn't get out of bed.

My wife can't go to bed unless she's checked the doors and windows.

What night time routine do you have?



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Mine is centred around the cat...make sure he has some food for overnight plus water of course. Then a last scoop of the litter tray, otherwise he rebels 🙄

Yes...the dishes are done. Don't want to see them first thing in the morning. 

Agree, all dishes must be washed, dried and put away before bed. 

My last actions are cat related too.  Check/clean both litter trays, re-fill the water bowls, re-fill the biscuit bowl and then feed them.  If the housekeeping staff member does not perform her duties to their satisfaction, the housekeeping staff member is normally notified of their displeasure around 3am.

I was 'Conditioned' as a kid Tidy bedroom can go play football

Installed in me so well I always keep it tidy (almost always) and do washing up as I cook. however I have to make sure my phones charging overnight. 

I too cannot leave the washing up. Even if I've been entertaining & it's late, the washing up must be done.

Make sure everything is in dishwasher.  Put laundry in washing machine, set timers for cheap rate.  Quick look round to ensure all is tidy.

I can't go to bed until I decide to. (Although I tend to check the back door is locked. It always is.)

My women can't until everything has been tidied, cushions plumped up, all tasks such as washing up done, etc. etc. etc..


Women eh ?

Even when the housekeeping staff have attend to all that, BM, the 'on-call' skivvy generally gets awoken about 3am in order to escort the boss back to her kibble-dish - which, naturally, has just been passed en-route to my chest.

Tidy kitchen, downstairs hall-lights switched and left on and bedroom door left slightly ajar.

Then I am ready to lay awake for hours thinking about rubbish...🙄

I get err indoors to tidy up the kitchen and then check the doors and windows.

Doors checked, last thing. Bedroom window opened. IPad at the ready.

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It annoys guests that stay overnight that I insist the washing up must be done straight away. I don't expect them to do it but I cannot leave it.

I sometimes wash up every day, sometimes leave it 2 or 3 days till I'm running out of crockery. No big deal.

I'm not really OCD about anything (I think!). It can be a curse.

Night time - I turn the TV off at the wall, brush my teeth, take meds & make sure the heating's turned down. I usually drop off to sleep quickly.

Everything in the dishwasher, dogs out for their ablutions, check I've got bread out for breakfast, check keys are out of door to garage, plug phone in to charge, alarm on. Wake at 3 because either a cat, fox, squirrel or other critter keeps switching the outside lights on, or, a spider has built a web across a camera again and phone keeps alerting us.

What's washing up?

Naomi, it falls into the same category as ironing.

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Most things go in the dishwasher, but not everything. 

these are reassurance rituals - about which a lot

Begins with a child asking - "why is that car black, seeking the answer " because it is painted black" - and NOT - because the paint has absorbed the electro magnetic radiationso none is reflected

I check eyedrops/keys in one pocket and mobile and wallet in other and ignirtion points ( fire and cooker) off. and is quite usual

if you have to do it 20 times, it is a bit OCD. 

Soing the washing up -I think is in another category

I can't go to bed until after midnight and I've done Wordle. 

Can't go upstairs till dishwasher loaded, large pans washed by hand, cats fed & watered, any tea lights still going blown out,windows shut, back door locked, meds taken.... even then I'm simply going to bed with iPad & pain meds to then stay awake for at least another 3 hours. 

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That must be miserable, Smow

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