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Do I Need To Be Ashamed Of Myself?

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abbeylee90 | 15:07 Sun 20th Oct 2024 | Body & Soul
62 Answers

feel really down st times as I am 32 still living at home and no full time job.

Do I need to be ashamed of myself just feel like I'm on my own.



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Curlyfries mentioned driving.

Sorry, I didn't know about your fits? Do I take it you can't get a driving licence then?

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Curlyfries providing I don't have a seizures I can next year.

NAC and NMA - nitpicking Abbey's posts doesn't help - curlyfries mentioned driving.

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The policeman I was on about wants to meet tomorrow buy not sure I cba tomorrow. 

Well fingers crossed then that you are able to start next year, but saving in the meantime will facilitate paying for lessons and if you pass your test you will need the money to buy a car and pay for the tax, insurance, etc. Motoring isn't cheap but it's worth it. 

You're nitpicking now some might say canary. We were just trying to clarify what abbey was referring to. It was hardly something that jumped out to me from curleyfries long thread. Let's all just try to help not have  a go at those trying to help.

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Sorry neva was meant to put curlyfries

Abbeylee90, it's the "cba" that's the problem. Push yourself to do things and you may eventually find what you are looking for. 

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Always got time for interviews and appointments but rather do a weekend

no, you don't need to be ashamed

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Curlyfries I have for other guys just not been successful.

There's no need to feel particularly ashamed, Abbey - just try to get a grip on life.  Actually, the replies you are receiving are mostly the same as you have received regarding your other problems and subsequent questions - do you really listen to the suggestions made and try to act on them?

Abbey you may have been asked this before (I don't read all your threads) but if you live at home can't you ask your parents for help and guidance on the things that seem to be troubling you? 

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Like curlyfries just said I do need to push myself just after work I'm going to my uniform in a carrier and my back pack.

If you cba to make an effort to meet a man on a Monday you might never be able to meet Mr Right. What's wrong with the policeman?

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Nothing just having to carry my bag with me after work.

He'll be used to seeing people in uniform. Can't you leave it at work? Carrying a backpack to where you meet is an inconvenience, yes, but it shouldn't stop you meeting up if you really want to....or are you just looking for reasons not to meet him?

Are your parents pushing you to move out?

What time are you meeting the police and what time do you finish work?

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